Here’s how to defeat a cougar or mountain lion in WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition on easy mode. Let’s begin with the simple steps:
Searching a Mountain Lion
Initially, you should search for a cougar. They tend to be close to carcasses. However, avoid hunting them immediately, as it will use up your stamina and health. It’s better to hunt prey in advance or locate one that another animal has killed. I discovered that hunting cougars is easier in open areas like Lamar Valley, First Meadow, and Second Meadow. On the contrary, it’s more challenging in places like Lost River (classic) and Lost River, where there are fewer meadows and more trees, buildings, etc.
Where to Attack
Once you’ve located a cougar, it’s better to bite it in the middle, specifically on its sides. This strategy allows you enough time to move away and recover after attacks before the cougar turns around to counter-attack. During your attacks, always hold down the S key or the back button to be ready to run away before the cougar attempts to retaliate. It’s important to note that the cougar doesn’t exactly “run” at you; it more like speed trots until it gets close enough. Keep an eye on the fright or fight meter at the top of their head: if the fight meter goes up, it will attack, but if the fright meter gets too high, consider saving stamina because cougars are very fast.
The Chase
When a cougar is running, having extra stamina becomes crucial. Since cougars are faster than you, I use a strategy where I move around to get to one side and wait for it to slow down. Then, I execute a dive bomb on the cougar, rapidly pressing the space bar and holding it down between bites. This technique allows for effective engagement while making the most of available stamina.
That's everything we are sharing today for this WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition guide. This guide was originally created and written by PepperMint. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.