This guide will show you where to find all permanent weapon upgrades and health in Prison City. Finding all of these valuable items will surely help you beat the game.
The initial health boost you discover is quite simple to locate. Simply descend the ladder underneath…
…and you’ll spot it on that little ledge.
The first weapon enhancement, on the other hand, demands you to obliterate a sizable mech to bring down the bridge. Following that, execute a slide jump towards that platform and descend.
The remainder is rather uncomplicated. Exercise caution to avoid falling; otherwise, you’ll need to perform another slide jump!
Securing the second health improvement proves a bit challenging, especially on Modern and Classic difficulties. I recommend carrying a grenade. Navigate to this location and demolish the wall behind the individual you see across.
Utilize the grenade to dispatch two ball-throwing, sports-loving troublemakers. After some wall-clinging antics, your reward will be waiting for you.
Cold Storage
Acquiring the second weapon upgrade presents a bit of a challenge. Plummet directly downward from here while holding the left input.
If executed correctly, you’ll land here.
What lies ahead is a straightforward platforming section—nothing too intricate.
The third health enhancement is cunningly placed. Eventually reaching this spot, notice that pipe over there? Perform a Mario-style maneuver to reach your reward.
Power Plant
Now, the third weapon upgrade poses a challenge. Examine this switch closely—it must be turned OFF!
“Why?” you may ask. Well, you wouldn’t want to transform into a fried chicken on your journey to MORE POWER, would you? By the way, the entrance to this section is below the boss room.
There. It doesn’t seem so imposing from your current vantage point, does it?
Attaining the final health boost is quite straightforward. See that fence up there? Wait for a substantial crate or an explosive barrel to reach that height.
After burning some calories on a treadmill, grab that hot dog and return, as you’re about to burn off the extras you just gained!
What’s this? The ultimate weapon upgrade? Indeed, shatter those crates and slide into that opening.
Following a challenging platforming section, your power will be absolutely unstoppable!
That's everything we are sharing today for this Prison City guide. This guide was originally created and written by Yaerveth. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.