This guide will show you how to catch all fish available in the Thailand DLC in Ultimate Fishing Simulator.
Copperband Butterflyfish
Location: #1, #3
Hook size: #4
Bait: Fly, Maggot, Red worm, Wax worm, Dragonfly, Grasshopper
Blacktip Reef Shark
Location: #6, #7
Hook size: 2/0-8/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Artificial egg, Natural egg, Live bait
Common Lionfish
Location: Any
Hook size: #4-#2
Bait: Fly, Maggot, Cutbait small, Red worm, Leech, Wax worm, Dragonfly
Location: #1, #3, #4
Hook size: #1-4/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Live bait
Giant Grouper
Location: #6, #7
Hook size: 6/0-10/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Live bait
Great Barracuda
Location: #1, #3, #6, #7
Hook size:2/0-8/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Artificial egg, Natural egg
Greyface Moray Eel
Location: #1, #2, #3
Hook size: #8-8/0
Bait: Fly, Maggot Cutbait small, Red worm, Leech, Wax worm, Dragonfly
Mangrove Snapper
Location: #1, #2, #7
Hook size: #2-4/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Artificial egg, Natural egg, Live bait
Indian Threadfish
Location: #5, #6
Hook size: #2-6/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Artificial egg, Natural egg, Live bait, Dragonfly
Pennant Coralfish
Location: #1, #3, #7
Hook size: #8
Bait: Fly, Maggot, Red worm, Wax worm, Dragonfly, Grasshopper
Malabar Grouper
Location: #1, #2, #4, #5
Hook size: 4/0-8/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Live bait
Yellowtail Barracuda
Location: #6, #7
Hook size: 2/0
Bait: Cutbait small, Live bait
That's everything we are sharing today for this Ultimate Fishing Simulator guide. This guide was originally created and written by LvL98MissingNo. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.