This guide will teach the simplest way to get an S Rank in all of the missions in Citadel Mode which will allow you to get the Tides of War achievement
Getting an S Rank in the missions can get somewhat annoying in Citadel Mode, especially if you’re using certain weapons. This guide will walk you through the easiest way to get S Ranks in the missions so that you don’t have to either repeat the missions or so that you can make sure that you only go through a mission 3x to unlock the character events.
The tutorial tells you that combo affects how many points you score, so the easiest way to get a high score is to get your combo as high as possible.
The best weapon for this is the bow. While there is a case to be made by using Shinosuke and the C5 combo with his dual swords, the bow is the best weapon because it doesn’t require you to use a specific character. All you need to do is to spam the C3 combo. Here’s a short gif of it in action:
As you can see, your combo increases pretty quickly even though there aren’t a ton of enemies on screen. By the end of the mission, you should be able to get a combo of 30-40k like in the screenshot below.
Having a high combo multiplies your score and you get tons of points for each kill. I’ve been able to get to Rank B within the 1st minute of the map with this strategy.
Weapon Skills
Here are the weapon skills that I used. I basically used the recommendations from the forums:
You probably don’t need all of the skills here immediately. Since we’re primarily going for combo, what you’ll want to focus on first is weapon speed and range so that you can hit as many enemies at the same time as possible. I do like the additional damage the other skills do though and it makes missions that much easier.
That’s pretty much it. Spamming C3 with the bow will pretty much ensure that you can get an S Rank in Citadel Mode. Another nice thing is that you can rush to end the mission once you’re able to get the minimum score for S Rank so can save a little bit of time. Hope you liked the guide. Let me know if you have any other suggestions in the comments.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Samurai Warriors 5 guide. This guide was originally created and written by richmondody. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.