This is a general guide on how to not be completely awful as a survivor, outlining strategies and methods for contributing to the team objective.
Entering a Round
The survivors will generally start each game together at the opposite side of the map from the murderer. An experienced murderer may attempt to immediately rush towards the survivor starting area in hopes of catching them quickly. Or they will head towards the propmachines closest to the survivor starting area under the assumption the survivors will flock to them.
This should all be kept in mind at the start of each round when it comes to choosing which propmachine you want to start repairing first. Sometimes deliberately rushing to the opposite side of the map will allow you to pass the murderer by, while other times the murderer may choose to search their immediate starting area in anticipation of you rushing towards it.
There’s no reliable way to know what will happen at the start of each round; you just need to change things up and not be predictable with your first propmachine choice. Taking a moment to observe the map from a vantage point to see where the murderer goes is also an option.
Repairing Propmachines
At all times you should be taking into account the layout of the propmachines on each map, which is always the same. When the survivors have repaired all the necessary machines except for one, only three will be left available in the map to attempt repairs on. If those remaining three are too close together then the murderer can easily patrol them in quick succession; making the game almost unwinnable depending on the current state of the survivor team.
Once you have memorized the propmachine locations you ought to consider which three propmachines you ideally want to keep around for when you only need to repair one more. As the locations of these remaining three will determine the murderer’s patrol route during the endgame. How advantageous the surrounding area is to your survival, and how far each machine is from each other, are the main factors in determining the most preferable ones to leave around for the endgame.
Obviously you can’t stop other survivors from repairing whatever propmachines they repair, so as the round progresses you need to watch which ones are being finished and adapt your vision of the ideal remaining three from there.
Many survivors are so timid that they will preemptively hide near propmachines and wait for the murderer to wander by, only coming out of hiding after the murderer leaves. The survivor then repairs the machine for a little while before they become paranoid that the murderer might be coming back, at which point they start hiding again. This behaviour is a huge waste of time and consistently results in the survivors losing due to most of them not actually contributing to the objective.
Hiding preemptively is only worth it if you either know the murderer is coming, are at dangerously low health, or there are few survivors remaining. Otherwise it just results in you sitting around not doing anything for long periods while the timer ticks down and survivors elsewhere get caught.
It should also be noted that the murderer can damage propmachines, causing their progress to regress until a survivor interacts with it again. This means that after a machine is damaged any time you spend away from it results in a loss of overall progression. However this may be a necessary sacrifice at times.
Managing Your Health
While repairing a propmachine survivors need to constantly stay on watch for the murderer’s approach. In enclosed areas the murderer will often approach so quickly that they get to immediately hit the survivor before they have the chance to run. Knowing your possible exits and positioning yourself closer to them helps with avoiding this.
Each regular hit from the murderer deals thirty damage, so optimally you should always try to stay above that health amount so you can absorb at least one hit before getting knocked down; giving you a chance to continue running. Some murderers do have alternate attacks they can use to quickly finish you off if you are at critical health, so this should also be considered.
Your health does passively regenerate as long as it is below seventy percent.
If you are heavily injured you may want to just avoid danger entirely for awhile until your health regenerates, unless the game is at a critical point where your input is immediately needed. If you try to casually repair a propmachine while at low health, then immediately get knocked down the moment the murderer shows up, it’s basically a waste of your life.
When changing into an object your health will change based on the size of that object; making you more fragile when small and more durable when large. Consequently changing into a large prop when you know you are about to get hurt can be advantageous as your increased health will cause you to take less damage overall. This is a crucial maneuver if you are at or below thirty health, as changing into a large prop can give you enough health to absorb a regular hit which would have otherwise knocked you down.
Surviving a Chase
Survivors have the ability to run, during which they are actually faster than the murderer’s base movement speed. Survivors can use this to gain a set amount of distance on the murderer at the start of a chase, which gives the survivor breathing room to perform strategic plays. Stalling for time after running out of stamina also gives survivors the opportunity to regain it so they can start running again.
Doors are one of the main ways survivors can stall a chase. By running to a door, the survivor can stand by it and close it if the murderer tries to go through; stunning them. If the door is closed preemptively it will obstruct the murderer, but they can quickly destroy the door by simply attacking it. Each door can only survive two hits, or be used for two stuns, before breaking; so conserving them is vital. However doors can only be damaged by the murderer while they are closed, so if you stun the murderer with one you need to make sure to reopen the door before you run away. Leaving it closed allows the murderer to destroy it after they recover from the stun, which wastes the door.
If the murderer does not outright walk into the doorway and allow you to stun them, you can waste time by quickly closing and reopening the door over and over each time they try to get close. This baits the murderer into attacking the door, which will go undamaged if you open it before their attack lands. Experienced murderers will be better at timing their attacks to coincide with when you close the door, so being unpredictable and not just desperately spamming the door is necessary against them. At the very least doing all this buys you time for regaining stamina so you can run away again.
While in open chase if the survivor runs out of stamina they need to immediately transform into a object, which increases their mobility. By double jumping forward survivors move faster than their walking speed, which helps stall for more time while they are unable to run. As an object survivors can jump through windows and fly over tall obstructions to slow the murderer down.
Landing on the murderer’s head will stun them, which is mostly only possible while you have the added mobility from being an object. It’s also easier and safer to do while transformed into a large object; as your health and size are increased. Landing on the murderer’s head to stun them may often be a mandatory maneuver if you run out of stamina with no advantageous terrain nearby. But if you attempt to stun them in this way too obviously they can easily back away or jump up to avoid you.
Experienced murderers will often be able to trade hits when you stun them with a door or by landing on their head. However everytime you get hurt you regain some stamina so you can continue running; and stunning the murderer by landing on their head instantly recharges all of your stamina.
Any time that the survivor can stall for during a chase is time that other survivors get to repair machines while not under threat. Which makes it all the more important for those other survivors to take advantage of the opportunity and repair machines.
Utilizing Stealth
Attempting to hide during a chase causes the survivor to lose distance on the murderer, and hiding fundamentally makes the survivor vulnerable. If the survivor is caught hiding they are almost guaranteed to take damage or even get knocked down, especially if they are hiding as a small object which makes them more fragile.
Hiding is largely dependent on the murderer failing to recognize that the survivor is out of place amidst the environment. Experienced murderers are significantly more likely to notice out of place objects, and will often check hiding places that survivors are known to use. Consequently hiding out in the open is only viable against experienced murderers if the spot is extremely convincing; and even then the murderer may find you by accident if they start hitting random objects.
Often hiding is best done by transforming into a small object so you can break line of sight with the murderer and take cover behind something. The alternate camera perspective while transformed into an object also makes it easier to keep track of your surroundings. Hiding can also be done by quickly slipping into an obscure place such as ontop of a high object or in a secluded nook.
The survivor actively makes noise while bouncing and jumping around as an object, and so attempting to use stealth in the middle of the chase requires precision and speed. Quickly breaking line of sight, then organically placing yourself in the environment as an object so the murderer passes by is completely possible. But due to how vulnerable the survivor becomes during stealth it’s often only good as a last resort if you have no more options left for extending the chase.
If you do successfully hide in the middle of the chase, and the murderer is wandering around nearby, it may be best to quickly sneak away while they aren’t looking. The murderer may begin searching the environment if they suspect that you are hiding; so if you stay in one place they may happen apon you by accident regardless of how effective your hiding spot is.
Utilizing Items
Items are another method by which survivors can extend a chase, especially when they run out of other options. Items can be acquired from boxes by sacrificing a thousand coins, which are acquired by performing certain actions or finding them randomly around the environment. Memorizing their spawn locations in the environment allows survivors to gather coins easily.
The main items survivors can actively use to extend a chase are:
The Drink, which grants increased movement speed. This lets the survivor outpace the murderer without consuming stamina.
The Camera, which lets the survivor briefly stun the murderer. This can only be done at close range, and while the murderer is looking at the survivor. Certain murderer abilities give them immunity to the camera flash; such as Akasha’s shadow form and Igor’s chainsaw rush.
The Pills, which passively regenerate the survivor’s health at an increased rate. These can be used to regain health mid-chase due to their ease of use, and should be saved for such unless health is absolutely needed outside of a chase.
The Jars, which can be thrown to either slow the murderer down or obscure their vision depending on which jar is found. If the murderer is currently stunned, or is standing at a doorway while you are opening and closing the door, then they can be easily hit with the jars.
The Book, which grants the survivor brief increased movement speed and invisibility. Experienced murderers can track the survivor through their invisibility via the sound it makes, so the book is only useful for tricking the murderer when it is used unpredictably. Survivors can still be injured while invisible too; which allows experienced murderers to hit invisible survivors if they get too close.
Because all of these specific items are a core method for extending chases, conserving and farming them is crucial for optimal survival. As they give survivors a way to defend themselves without depending on the environment, which becomes less reliable as the game progresses due to doors getting destroyed with use.
Lasting the Round
Survivors have a finite amount of time to escape, with time being gained from each repaired propmachine or saved survivor. Should the timer reach zero survivors can put the game into overtime if they are actively working on a propmachine. So long as one survivor is working on a propmachine the game will not count it as a loss. If more time is gained, then the game continues as usual.
A survivor can only be caught and put on a hypnochair twice; the third time it happens they will be ejected from play. When a survivor is first put on a chair the game says that they have two minutes to be rescued. However the game doesn’t mention that if the survivor is left on the chair for a whole minute; they will lose one of their save chances. Meaning that if they get rescued, caught, then put on the chair again they will automatically get ejected without a second chance.
Because of this it is imperative to save survivors on their first chair before the timer goes to sixty.
For five seconds after being rescued or recovering from off the ground, survivors cannot be knocked down by the next instance of damage that they take. This means that if a survivor is rescued while the murderer is nearby, the rescued survivor can briefly absorb one regular hit to give them a chance at running away. The chair timer will also pause if the murderer is standing too close to it, with the murderer’s aura being revealed to all survivors when in range. This can also be used to determine which direction the murderer is going as they leave the vicinity of the chair.
Survivors can rescue each other while being carried via stunning the murderer. However if the murderer sees that a survivor is attempting to stun them, they can just put the carried survivor down and attack the rescuer. This results in saves being self-destructive for survivors if they are attempted recklessly and frivolously. If you are going to save a carried survivor you need to stay hidden until the very moment you are going to stun the murderer; allowing you to take them by surprise. Stunning them with cameras and doors is the easiest way to do this; trying to land on their head for a stun is extremely risky and is often inconsistent unless they are moving towards you.
As survivors get ejected from play, and the chair they were put on is completely consumed, the available chairs in the map become more spaced out. This can make it impossible for the murderer to carry a survivor to a chair if they are knocked down far away from the rest. Keeping in mind the gaps in chair locations as the round goes on can allow a survivor to purposely enter an area where there are no nearby chairs, meaning that if they get knocked down it will be harder for the murderer to get them to a chair.
Survivors also drop all their items and coins when they are ejected from play, so visiting that spot to gather their resources is also advantageous.
Once the exit doors become available, the murderer will typically begin patrolling them as soon as possible.
Unless the murderer is distracted, they can easily move between both doors to catch a survivor trying to open them. If you have a decent amount of health and items this is not necessarily a large risk as you can take on the chase and distract the murderer while another survivor opens the doors.
However if you are currently in a dire position now is the time when stealth becomes specifically useful. With the doors being the only objective left, you can hide nearby until the murderer leaves; then come out and make a little bit of progress on opening the door before hiding again. Eventually you will get the door open and escape.
The murderer may be aware of this tactic however, and might quickly return after leaving in hopes of catching you when you come out of hiding. Finding a hiding spot that is a vantage point, which lets you see the murderer as they leave the area, mitigates this risk as you will know for sure when they leave the area.
If there is a significant amount of time remaining there’s no need to rush this part. While the murderer is patrolling the doors you can even gather coins to acquire more items in preparation.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Propnight guide. This guide was originally created and written by noe. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.