Check out this Neverwinter guide to learn where to find the treasures and other loots in Avernus. If you’re one of the players farming and grinding for loots, then here’s a detailed map to guide you.
Avernus Treasure Map Farming
The red markers will show you the locations of the two map farming spots I use, If you are farming maps for gear, then I would suggest farming between 40 – 50 of them.
You might find that the following spot, in front of the number 6 treasure chest area is camped often, if it is just moved onto the 2nd location further down.
This location is less frequently used, but you will come across Chain farmers that like to mow them down on their routes.
Never fight for camping spots, it is a waste of time if both of these spots are already camped then move to another instance with fewer people on it.
Location 1
This one is a little obscure it is hidden in the crack of two boulders. It is also probably the worst one to get to as it is close to a couple of mobs, so be careful when locating it.
Location 2
In this screenshot, I have used the “Soul Coin Cache” heroic as an easily identifiable reference point.
Location 3
In the scabs, just passed the rez shrine, follow the left-hand cliff and you should find it easily.
Location 4
When the “Citadel Defense” heroic is on in the scabs, one of the portals is right next to the chest making it almost impossible to get without being interrupted. If this is the case, either complete, transfer to another instance or wait it out until the heroic is finished before trying to dig up this chest.
Location 5
Location 6
Location 7
Location 8
Location 9
Location 10
This one is easy to miss, you have to jump up the rocks to get to it. Or if you know where you can drop down the cliff ledges from the top level and land on the chest.
And that’s the exact locations of the treasures in Avernus Wastes in Neverwinter. This guide has been made possible by Adorell.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Neverwinter guide. This guide was originally created and written by RB Staff. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.
Die 4. Schatzkarte ist oben in der Mapübersicht leider falsch eingezeichnet. Sie befindet sich etwas weiter nord-östlich am schwarzen Fleck zum Rande des Flusses.
Ich habe mich dumm und dusselig gesucht da unten 🙁