A guide of Choices for all routes in Funbag Fantasy.
Choices marked with a star (*) are choices for CG variations. Use an extra save slot (Slot 4) when they appear so you can load back and unlock the other CG variation. You can also use the “Return to Choice” feature if you so prefer I’ve also had the game bug out on me and show a black screen, so be sure to save often during a lengthy session.
* Pull out of Roxanne, then reload after to choose “inside”
Shamsiel’s tit-♥♥♥♥ feels better!
* Pull out of Roxanne, then reload after to choose “inside”
* Pull out of Roxanne, then reload after to choose “inside”
I promise to return after I reach the capital!
Save slot 1
Be assigned to the Royal Guard
Save slot 2
Return to the capital
Load slot 2
Search for the sanctum
Load slot 1
Be stationed as a commander
* Squeeze her bo0bs
Save slot 3
Class has finished
Load slot 1
Return to Boan Castle
True (Harem) end
Load slot 3
Call in an additional teacher
Let nature take its course
That's everything we are sharing today for this Funbag Fantasy guide. This guide was originally created and written by Ren Ashbell. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.