This guide will be showing you how to unlock and obtain all achievements in Extraneum.
Extraneum Achievements Guide
Check that off the backlog
This will be unlocked as soon as you start the game. Easy, right?
Sushi time!
The creatures referred to as “Flayer spawn” are those diminutive, jellyfish-like entities. Although one can employ a chainsaw for their demise, dispatching them efficiently can be achieved by simply puncturing them with a knife a few times.
Match point
When you acquire the grenade launcher, you have the capability to fire it strategically around corners and against walls. By aiming at the wall adjacent to or behind an enemy, you can make the projectile bounce onto them, resulting in a detonation. This method can swiftly dispatch low-level adversaries and earn you the associated achievement.
Where’s Wal-d’oh!
As stated by the developer, there is a 1 in 1000 chance of each enemy dropping this item upon elimination. It is conceivable that with regular gameplay, you may eventually achieve this accomplishment when the complete game is released. If not, you have the option to replay specific levels until the achievement is unlocked.
In most levels, you can discover data disks containing additional lore and enemy background information. For the purpose of this achievement, it’s sufficient to locate just one of these data disks. The video provided below illustrates the location of one such data disk in E1M3, with credit to Rex705Gaming for sharing the video.
Not my problem
To earn this achievement, simply enter the first level of the game and remain AFK (Away From Keyboard) for 15 minutes. During this time, you can take a break to make a sandwich or attend to other tasks. It’s important to emphasize that this must be done on the first level exclusively, and you must remain within the initial room of the game without exiting. Essentially, you just need to do nothing during this time.
Balls of steel
To successfully attain this achievement, I suggest opting for the lowest difficulty setting to simplify the task. Engage the boss using conventional methods until their health is significantly depleted. When you believe it’s sufficiently low, switch to the chainsaw to deliver the final blow.
If you’re having trouble locating the chainsaw, it can be found in a secret location within the secret level E1MA, as demonstrated in the YouTube video provided below. Credit goes to Sakurazoku for sharing this informative video.
Tis but a scratch
This task might present some challenges, so I suggest tackling it on the lowest difficulty setting. By employing a strategy involving the use of grenades to inflict self-damage and intentionally getting hit by enemies towards the end of a level, you can reduce your health to just 1 hit point.
This may require several attempts, so it’s advisable to play on the lowest skill level that allows for infinite respawns without penalties. Keep one enemy alive, preferably a flayer since they deal minimal damage, and allow it to attack you until your health reaches 1 point. Once you’ve achieved this, eliminate the enemy and walk into the exit to trigger the achievement.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Extraneum guide. This guide was originally created and written by Nyaarlathotep. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.