This guide will show you how to unlock and get all War of Rights achievements. As of writing, the game features a total of 20 achievements on Steam.
Basic Achievements
Blue Name?
Meet a developer on the field of battle.
- If you want to achieve this, you need to play on the same server as one of the game’s admins. This means you’ll need to hop onto public servers and hope for a bit of luck.
Watch a recorded match replay.
- To get this achievement, start by adjusting your settings in the “Options Menu,” specifically in the “Gameplay Settings” section. Look for the “Game Replay Setting” and switch it to on. Then, play a match from the “Replay” menu and watch one of the recorded matches. After you’ve unlocked the achievement, remember to turn off the game replay feature again.
Barbershop Visit
Create a customized head.
- To unlock this achievement, you’ll need to customize your avatar’s appearance in the character customization area.
Dress Up
Create a customized uniform.
- To unlock this achievement, you must customize your avatar’s clothing in the character customization area.
To War!
Join the battle in War of Rights!
- To unlock this achievement, join a fight in War of Rights. The specific map or mode doesn’t matter.
Yankee Doodle
Win a battle as part of the Union Army.
- To unlock this achievement, you had to emerge victorious in a battle while playing as part of the Union army.
Rebel Yell
Win a battle as part of the Confederate Army.
- To unlock this achievement, you had to emerge victorious in a battle while playing as part of the Confederate army.
Map-Related Achievements
Play 100 games of Skirmish.
- To unlock this achievement, you need to play 100 games of skirmish. This mode is the most commonly played on open servers.
Play 100 games of Picket Patrol.
- To unlock this achievement, you need to play 100 games of picket patrol. It’s a bit trickier to get this achievement; you should join a company with other players. These groups often host events and play on various maps, so you can gradually work towards this achievement over time.
Play 100 games of Conquest.
- To unlock this achievement, you need to play 100 games of conquest. Similar to picket patrol, it’s a bit challenging to get this achievement alone. Joining a company with other players who frequently participate in events and play different maps will help you achieve this over time.
Play 100 games of Contention.
- To unlock this achievement, you need to play 100 games of contention. Like conquest and picket patrol, it’s more feasible to achieve this by joining a company with other players who regularly participate in events across various maps.
Skill-Related Achievements
Score a bullseye on a drill camp target.
- To unlock this achievement, head to a drill camp and aim to shoot at the bull’s eye on a target. The optimal strategy is to stand as close as possible to the nearest target. Then, aim above the bull’s eye and wait until your weapon drops due to its weight. When the moment is right, pull the trigger. Keep in mind, it might take some time until you hit the mark.
Pick up a flag from a fallen flag bearer.
- To unlock this achievement, you must pick up a flag from a fallen barrier during a fight.
Enjoy your trip!
Get knocked over by an explosion or crushing weapon.
- To unlock this achievement, you must be thrown over by a cannon during a fight. Your character must then stand up again. If you die, it won’t count toward the achievement.
Fire for effect
Pull the lanyard and fire an artillery piece.
- To unlock this achievement, you must fire a cannon. This can be done during a fight or at a drill camp.
Season Events-Related Achievements
Participate in the annual Halloween Event.
- To unlock this achievement, you need to participate in the annual Halloween event by simply playing a fight.
Horde Breaker
Survive until the 20th wave in the limited time Halloween event.
- To unlock this achievement, you must survive 20 waves of the undead on a fighting map during the Halloween event.
Slay 1862 from the ranks of the undead in the limited time Halloween event.
- To unlock this achievement, you must kill 1862 undead while the Halloween event is running.
Participate in the annual Christmas Event.
- To unlock this achievement, you need to participate in the annual Christmas event by simply playing a fight.
Stocking Stuffer
Open a present during the annual Christmas Event.
- To unlock this achievement, you must open a Christmas present on a map. These presents are dropped by the server admins.
That's everything we are sharing today for this War of Rights guide. This guide was originally created and written by Morti. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.