✅ Source verified via Steam Community
- Patch Title: VEIN 0.011
- Patch Release Date: April 2, 2024
The developer of VEIN has released a new update for the game on April 2, 2024. Here are the new things that you should expect to see or change on this new update. This information was curated directly from the official announcement on Steam.
- Item port
- Zombie behavior around vehicles
- Bit of work on Saranac
- Fishing
- Vehicle replication is now smoothed
- Campfire
- Farming overhaul, composting
- Candles can now be lit
- Quick use menu, emote menu
- Add steroids
- New vehicle: SUV 2
- You can now change lightbulbs from lights
- Started modding
- Some uniquenesses have loadouts (insulin to diabetics)
- Thief occupation now has lockpicking bonus
- Fix some items being stackable and damageable
- Inventories now network lightly
- Zombie networking optimizations
- Fix candle dismantle sound being global
- Fix spawn region not working consistently (selecting Saranac and spawning in Redford)
- Fix furniture desyncing in multiplayer
- Fix doors desyncing in multiplayer
- Wind sound doesn’t snap to silent when you stand under something
- Fix two zombies spawning when you turn into a zombie
- Fix player nameplates not showing up consistently
- Fix character not having weight, muscles applied in their character portrait
- Fix zombies not being able to hit you when you’re crouching
- Optimized addiction networking
- Fix many miscellaneous crashes
- Fix containers not respawning properly when loaded from a save
- Fix furniture not respawning properly when loaded from a save
To learn more about this new update, check the official source mentioned above.