✅ Source verified via Steam Community
- Patch Title: Patch 1.6.17 Introduces hero rosters to the beta branch
- Patch Release Date: April 4, 2024
The developer of Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer’s Legacy has released a new update for the game on April 4, 2024. Here are the new things that you should expect to see or change on this new update. This information was curated directly from the official announcement on Steam.
This patch introduces character rosters! Instead of creating a character for each run, 3 random characters are made available when you generate a new world. While in Haven you can switch between these characters freely. However, when characters are wounded (updated effect) or weary (new status effect) they need some time to recover before they can leave Haven again.
The patch also introduces a new mechanism that automatically returns a wayfarer to Haven when they complete a ‘task’. Combined, this creates a completely different flow for the game. One where characters can actually progress, rather than only wear out over time!
The update will only be available on the beta branch on Steam, as everything is still in a somewhat experimental state. There are definitely a few unresolved issues. The most important being the controller support in the title menu. The fundamental structure of the game has changed dramatically (a roster of heroes rather than a single wayfarer). Unfortunately many core systems were setup in way that assumed one single wayfarer. Unexpectedly, controller support for the main menu was one of them…
- Removes character creation.
- Adds 3 random characters to a roster when you create a new world.
- While in Haven you can change between these characters from the in-game menu.
- To recover from the wounded status, a wayfarer needs to spend time recovering in Haven (you should take another character).
- When you deplete a character’s hope, they gain Weary.
- To recover from the weary status, a wayfarer needs to spend time recovering in Haven.
- If there are no characters available a new rookie Disciple will join the roster.
- In order to enter certain adventure sites the wayfarer needs to commit to a task.
- Upon completion of a task the wayfarer automatically returns to Haven.
- The wayfarer can commit to task by talking to the Task Master, when they do, the Task Master will give the wayfarer some provisions.
- Tasks have been implemented for the Raaf Key, and the Raaf Temple quests.
Character Progression
- Reduces the standard starting HP.
- Reduces the standard starting Hope.
- The immediate rewards for performing deeds are diminished. Instead, you can use each deed to improve a character. You need to find a trainer for that.
- Trainers are available in all settlements.
Other Changes
- Changes the way Dry and Sandstorm fortunes work.
- Introduces a new Thirsty status effect.
- Started to implement ‘windswept’ regions as a regional quest (still WIP).
To learn more about this new update, check the official source mentioned above.