This guide will show you the list of all multiplayer glitches that you can use while in battle in Total War: NAPOLEON.
Square Formation
Square Formation makes units stronger defensively and stops cavalry charges. There’s a small issue, though. When in a square, a unit gets extra firing range compared to when it’s not in a square. This might not be super helpful most of the time, but it can come in handy in specific situations.
Light Infantry Formation
When you move Light Infantry, they usually have a specific depth in their formation. But, if you take them from a single line and switch them to Light Infantry order, they spread out more. This makes them tougher to hit, which is great if you want one unit to defend a side. You can even move them around when they’re grouped or using battlefield arrows.
Units with stakes are meant to stop cavalry, and they do that well. Yet, there’s a little issue with the stakes – they also block cannon balls and bullets. This means units behind the stakes get extra protection. Rifles, jagers, and voltigeurs benefit a lot from this, giving them more time on the battlefield.
Artillery becomes the ultimate meatshield because of a glitch. Bullets almost can’t harm them. Even if volleys keep coming, artillery remains unfazed. This glitch makes them a highly effective meatshield, sometimes even better than using militia for the job.
Flag Glitching
Exploiting this glitch allows a saved army to switch its nationality. This can be used to fake a tactic or, at the very least, surprise an opponent. Though it’s quite uncommon because it resets all unit icons to a default one, it still happens occasionally. The image shows the French Imperial Old Guard as an example.
Siege Battles
If a wall is damaged and your men run off the ramp, there’s a glitch where every single one might just die at the bottom. It’s terrible, but unfortunately, it does happen quite often.
Creating Battles
A bug that happens frequently is rain appearing even when it’s not selected. To illustrate, take Grassy Flats, set light rain, and make the time afternoon. Strangely, in this scenario, there won’t be any rain despite selecting it.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition guide. This guide was originally created and written by Marshal Davout (Dusty). In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.