A list of the lunch commands you can use on the boot-up options for Titanfall. As well as some explanations and recommendations.
Launch Commands
- -novid – Skips the company logos when the game is started up.
- -fullscreen – Launches the game in fullscreen mode.
- -windowed – Launches the game in windowed mode.
- -noborder – Launches the game in borderless mode. Use this with -windowed in order to enable borderless windowed.
- -height – Set the vertical resolution of the game window.
- -width – Set the horizontal resolution of the game window.
- -nomenuvid – Disables the main menu background video
- +cl_showfps 1 – Shows FPS in the top right corner.
- -High – Gives the game a high CPU priority, but can cause issues depending on your system. Only try if every other option for eeking out more frames has been exhausted.
- +m_rawinput 1 – Enable raw mouse input. Developers have said that raw mouse input is on by default, so it doesn’t actually do anything.
- +cl_showpos 2 – Shows player information in the top left corner. This can be useful for determining things such as player velocity but is highly distracting.
- +mat_sun_color “r g b” – Changes the lighting color in the game. Respawn wasn’t fond of players using this to gain an advantage by turning down the sun glare. Still, it’s fun for messing around so insert different RGB values (IE: 0 0 0 for darker TF1 style lighting) to experiment.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Titanfall 2 guide. This guide was originally created and written by miltoid19_cat. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.