Random Landing Sites Coordinates in Patch 0.6.008.
Landing Sites Coordinates
Currently, there are 11 landing sites available when you choose a random landing site.
1. Starting Valley (same as standard)
2. Meteor Crater (same as meteor crater)
3. Sand Falls (same as sand falls)
4. Aluminius Hills (998,47/1253,135)
5. Arches (641,2244)
6. Cracked Spires (482,-167)
7. Dune Desert (1541,1055/1263, 1839)
8. The Grand Rift (1795,232)*
9. Iridium Mine (817,1048)
*The coordinates of the Grand Rift landing site are not the same in selected and random modes, the random one is southwest of the selected.
That's everything we are sharing today for this The Planet Crafter guide. This guide was originally created and written by Urokarmogkan. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.