These graphical preferences have been shared with me through an ancient Chinese proverb. If you’re experiencing overheating issues, wish to eliminate motion blur and depth of field effects, prefer high-quality textures over shadows of lower quality or none at all, then this guide is tailored for you. Today, we will only make modifications to two files using Notepad, and you’ll be good to go. Feel free to experiment with these settings until you find your ideal configuration. I’ve personally managed to reduce the temperature by 10 degrees during gameplay, and I believe it enhances the game’s visual quality while eliminating stutter. If there’s anything specific you’d like to adjust or enhance that isn’t mentioned here, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment and inquire.
Target Directory
Required Files:
- GameUserSettings.ini – Open and edit this file to adjust FPS and limited graphics ONLY
- Engine.ini – Open and edit this file to adjust MANY secret graphic settings
Important Note:
After making edits to either (or both) of these files, right-click, choose Properties, and select the “Read Only” option to ensure your modifications remain intact and are not overwritten. Engine.ini tends to be more forgiving compared to GameUserSettings. Most of the variables within GameUserSettings are broad in scope, with 0 representing Low, 1 for Medium, 2 for High, and 3 indicating Epic graphical quality. Modifying any of these variables will result in comprehensive alterations, including some hidden graphic settings that are not readily visible. We will begin by working with GameUserSettings as it offers a quick and straightforward approach. Any changes made to Engine.ini must be copied and pasted at the BOTTOM of the file.
GameUserSettings.ini Configuration
[/script/engine.gameusersettings] bUseDynamicResolution=False LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1920 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1080 WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=1 PreferredFullscreenMode=1 AudioQualityLevel=0 LastConfirmedAudioQualityLevel=0 FrameRateLimit=60.000000 ;ChangeFPShere DesiredScreenWidth=1920 DesiredScreenHeight=1080 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth=1920 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight=1080 LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000 [ScalabilityGroups] ;0=Low,1=Medium,2=High,and 3=Epic sg.ViewDistanceQuality=1 sg.ShadowQuality=0 sg.PostProcessQuality=1 sg.TextureQuality=2 sg.EffectsQuality=1 sg.FoliageQuality=1 sg.ShadingQuality=1
Engine.ini Configuration
[Shaders] [/script/engine.renderersettings] niagara.CreateShadersOnLoad=1 r.CreateShadersOnLoad=1 r.AllowOcclusionQueries=1 r.Shaders.Optimize=1 [TextureStreaming] r.Streaming.Boost=1 r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1 r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2 r.bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=True r.Streaming.FramesForFullUpdate=60 r.Streaming.DropMips=0 r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=0 r.Streaming.MipBias=0 r.Streaming.UseAllMips=1 r.Streaming.UseMaterialData=1 r.Streaming.UseNewMetrics=1 r.Streaming.UsePerTextureBias=1 r.Shaders.Optimize=1 r.Shaders.FastMath=1 r.UseShaderCaching=1 r.UseShaderPredraw=1 r.UseAsyncShaderPrecompilation=1 r.TargetPrecompileFrameTime=13 r.PredrawBatchTime=13 r.AccelPredrawBatchTime=0 r.AccelTargetPrecompileFrameTime=0 r.Streaming.DefragDynamicBounds=1 s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled=True r.Streaming.PoolSize=0 [ConsoleVariables] AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1r.AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditor=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditor=1 s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled=True [SystemSettings] r.PostProcessAAQuality=1 r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality=0 r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=0 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.LensFlareQuality=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.EyeAdaptationQuality=2 r.BloomQuality=4 r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0 r.HighQualityLightMaps=0 r.MotionBlurQuality=0 r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 r.Tonemapper.Quality=2 r.ParticleLightQuality=0 r.ViewDistanceScale=0.8 r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=0 r.MipMapLODBias=0 foliage.LODDistanceScale=0.8 r.LandscapeLODBias=0 foliage.DensityScale=0 grass.DensityScale=0 r.Lightshafts=0 r.LightFunctionQuality=0 r.ShadowQuality=0 r.Shadow.DistanceScale=0.2 r.Shadow.MaxResolution=256 r.AOQuality=0 r.MaxAnisotropy=2 r.RefractionQuality=0 r.SSR.Quality=0 r.DetailMode=0 r.MaterialQualityLevel=0 r.SSS.Quality=0
Ensure that any modifications made to Engine.ini are copied and pasted to the END of the file. Feel free to leave a comment if you’ve experimented with these settings and achieved lower temperatures. Additionally, remember to right-click the file and choose Properties to designate it as “Read Only” after making edits to prevent the game from overwriting your adjustments. Thank you for taking the time to read this information.
That's everything we are sharing today for this The Matchless Kungfu guide. This guide was originally created and written by b1gf001. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.