This guide is designed to help both players and server hosts to properly setup and use the Independent Contractors mod. Contained within are the descriptions of commands, how to get started, features and more.
Independent Contractors is a script designed to provide players with a multitude of features to enhance the Stormworks Career and Classic Career experience.
Some of these features include:
- Personal Money
- Loans & Debt
- Player-to-player Payments
- Enhanced Admin Commands
- Vehicle Recovery
- Vehicle & Spawn Protection
- Island Purchasing & Permissions
- … and more!
Link to the addon:
- Simply start the map with the addon selected.
- Make sure to type “?savegame” into chat occasionally. It will show a message about it not saving due to it not being a dedicated server, but it IS saving the variables required for this addon. Make sure to use “?savegame” before saving using the menu. The “?savegame” command is what saves the money, vehicle and island data.
Dedicated Server
- Have your server subscribe to Independent Contractors on the Workshop.
- Add the playlist to your servers <missions> playlist in the config. If you do not know how to do this, there are many tutorials online. Search “Add custom playlists to Stormworks dedicated server”.
- Make sure the server’s save game name is “Career” or edit Independent Contractor’s script to change the save file name to match your server’s save file name. This is required for the server to save and auto-save properly.
Modification At the top of the script are a set of parameters. You may modify these to better tailor how you want to play. Some options include adjusting hospital bill cost, debt interest, starting cash, recovery costs and more. You may also add additional island tiles or modded island tiles at the bottom of this script to add compatibility. Feel free to edit all of these settings for personal and server use, but do not re-upload this script.
When joining a server, you have $50,000 (configurable) and no debt. These funds can be used for purchasing vehicles and paying players. When benching vehicles, the cost of the vehicle goes back into your personal account.
Need more money? Use “?loan (amount)” to get some funds! Be warned, every day 0.025% (configurable) of your current debt is added via interest. Use “?payloan (amount)” to pay it back! You may only take out a max loan of $200,000 (configurable). If you get above $250,000 (configurable) in debt, you will not be able to spawn vehicles. Loans cannot accrue interest past $300,000 (configurable).
You may notice that the “b” key is disabled. Use “?bench” to refund the nearest vehicle if you are the owner of that vehicle. This system is in place to prevent other players from workbenching your vehicles. If you need to work on your vehicle a lot, I’d suggest saving after every change, or working on it in singleplayer. If you do change things and accidentally spawn it without saving, an admin may unlock it for you using “?unlock”. This will allow you to use the b key on it again. Notice, using the b key will add the money back to the shared account, not your personal account. Make sure to “?claim (amount)” it back after.
Currently, fuel and coal gantries can only come from the shared account. Use “?deposit (amount)” to add money to the shared account. I’m looking into ways to integrate this into the personal account system.
Whenever you sell fuel/coal, finish a mission or collect a crate, the money goes into the shared account. Make sure the shared account is not $0 or you will not receive the money! Unfortunately, this is the consequence of the workaround of the vanilla money system. After the money has entered the shared account, use “?claim (amount)” to put the money into your personal account.
If you cannot spawn your vehicle and the money on the bottom right is in the negatives, simply enter “?deposit 1” and it will set it back into the billions. Again, this is a consequence of the vanilla money system and is a safeguard to prevent players from getting free fuel/coal due to $1 billion being in the bank account.
Everything below is Real Estate Mode only. On by default unless disabled by server settings. Amassing a fortune? You may want to look into purchasing an island! First, add the island cost to the shared account using “?deposit (amount)”. Next, purchase the island and use “?claimisland” to take the island as your own! Wherever you use the command is where the teleport point for the island is. This island is now yours. Nobody can teleport there, or spawn/bench a vehicle there. If you’d like to add those permissions to other players, you can use “?setteleport”, “?setspawn” and “setbench”! Want someone to help you manage the island? Use “?setcoowner” to add a co-owner! This allows that player to teleport, spawn and bench. It also allows them to take and revoke those permissions from other players. Have no fear, co-owners cannot change permissions of the owner, and cannot unclaim the island.
Need to get home? Use “?teleport (island name)” or “?tp (island name)” to instantly teleport home. If you don’t know the name of the island, use “?access” to find out! Usually the name is similar to what the map shows. For instance, “Camodo” or “CoastguardTT”.
Are your island visitors becoming a nuisance? You can use “?setteleport”, “?setspawn”, “?setbench” and “?setcoowner” again to take away their permissions. Need to find out who has permissions? Use “?access” to find out the island names and permissions of all of the islands you have access to. Use “?islandaccess (islandname)” to find out who has permissions on an island you own or co-own.
Standard Commands:
?help – Provides a list of all of the commands.
?bank – Displays a pop-up showing your current bank, debt and shared bank.
?deposit (amount) – Deposits money from your personal account to the shared bank account.
?claim (amount) – Claims money from the shared bank account to your personal account.
?pay (player id) (amount) – Gives money from your personal account to another player’s personal account.
?loan (amount) – Adds money to your personal account. Be wary as you will pay a small percent in interest every in-game day. Accumulating a high enough debt will prevent you from spawning vehicles again until your debt is below the threshold.
?payloan (amount) – Pays back money to your loan.
?bench – Despawns and refunds the nearest vehicle (if it is owned by you). This command can only be used on an island you own or have bench access to.
?recover – Despawns and refunds a percent of the nearest vehicle (if it is owned by you). This command can be used anywhere.
?buyfuel (diesel/jetfuel) (amount) – Purchases fuel for a vehicle you are sitting in.
Warning: This command is buggy and sometimes does not work. It also only works on vehicles with a small/medium/large tank. It does not work on dynamic tanks.
?savegame – Saves the game and all variables for this script.
Use this instead of “?save”. Island Commands:
?teleport (island name) – Teleports you to an island that you own or have teleport access to.
?tp (island name) – Same as above, but less typing.
?access – Displays which islands that you have teleport/spawn/bench access to.
?islandaccess (island name) – Displays who has teleport/spawn/bench access to the island specified. You can only view this if you have ownership/co-ownership to the island. If you need the name of the island, use “?access” and it will tell you.
?claimisland – Claims an island. This will set you as the owner, and will set the teleport point to the place you are standing while using this command. This will only work if the island is purchased, is unowned, and is not the starting island.
?unclaimisland – Unclaims the island you are standing on. Only the owner can do this.
?setcoowner (player id) (island name) – Adds another player as a co-owner. This gives them teleport/spawn/bench access and allows them to give and revoke teleport/spawn/bench access to other players. They may not modify permissions of the owner or unclaim the island.
?setteleport (player id) (island name) – Toggles permission for the specified player to teleport to the specified island.
?setspawn (player id) (island name) – Toggles permission for the specified player to spawn vehicles at the specified island.
?setbench (player id) (island name) – Toggles permission for the specified player to bench vehicles at the specified island.
Admin Commands: ?addbank (player id) (amount) – Adds money to the specified player’s personal account.
?setbank (player id) (amount) – Sets the money of the specified player’s personal account.
?addsharedbank (amount) – Adds money to the shared bank account.
?adddebt (player id) (amount) – Adds debt to the specified player’s personal account.
?setdebt (player id) (amount) – Sets the debt of the specified player’s personal account.
?bring (player id) – Teleports the specified player to you.
?goto (player id) – Teleports you to the specified player.
?lock – Locks the nearest vehicle.
?unlock – Unlocks the nearest vehicle.
?resetisland – Unclaims the island you are standing on, and strips all permissions.
Coming Next Update: ?addresearch (amount) – Adds the specified amount of research points.
?setresearch (amount) – Sets research points to the specified amount.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Stormworks: Build and Rescue guide. This guide was originally created and written by GCodeman. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.