Feeling overwhelmed by the size of Brynn? Well, I’m lost too, but I’ll make sure that you know where the important locations are.
NW: Mint Square
This area is directly south of where Verren parks the carriage, so it’s gonna be the first thing you see.
Gatehouse Office Status: Unimplemented
My guess is that this is supposed to be an information booth. Thankfully there is nobody there, for now, otherwise, you won’t be reading this guide. There is also a human vegetable seller close by.
Elven District Status: Partially Unimplemented
This is where the elves get segregated into ala winter hold. There is an elven merchant who will sell you many overpriced but unique goods. This guy has no unique dialogue so you might miss him easily.
University Status: Unimplemented
The University has some monks and scholars hanging around and a unique well that I bet you didn’t even notice.
Market Square Status: Implemented
There are 5 different market stands for Fruit, Butchery, General Goods, Medicine, and Dairy. Keep in mind that merchants will still pay better for trinkets and jewelry than the pawnshop.
Farmer’s Tavern Status: Unimplemented
Possibly one of the many inns the town will have. There are NPC standing on top of the bench, and nothing else of interest.
A Bank? Status: Unimplemented
Just below the market square is a place I can’t really discern for sure.
Library Status: Unimplemented
Could be a post office too, idk for sure.
NE: Old Towers Quarter
This is where you’ll be most of the time because it’s where the stuff you actually need is located.
Quartermaster Camp Status: Implemented
There is a quartermaster who will sell you armor and weapons (for now). The contract he provides pays out for 1000+ crowns.
Pawn Shop Status: Implemented (as of 25 November)
The Pawn shop will buy literally anything at fairly unfair prices. Only sell your stuff here if you’re too lazy to ride back to Mannshire, the pawnshop will pay 10% less for anything compared to the respective merchants. He will also sell marked-up equipment at a higher level than the quartermaster’s
Watchtower Inn Status: Implemented (as of 23 November)
After several threads complaining about having to go back to Mannshire to save, this Inn became the first location to be implemented. Do be aware that the food here is slightly overpriced but it still beats having to ride back to mannshire.
Barracks Status: Partially implemented (Jail added on 27 November)
Not much of an interest for now. You’ll be here often just cause the well is located here. There is a jail being added a bit sooner as a grim reminder that Crime mechanics is a thing now.
Grocery Status: Implemented (as of 30 November alongside the Bakery)
This place sells many types of base food and several exclusive meals that deal with morale. While what he sells is expensive, it’s still slightly cheaper than the Inn. There is also a lady just outside of the store that sells lots of forage and vegetables.
Bakery Status: Implemented (as of 30 November alongside the Grocery)
Located in the lower-left corner of the town. This store sells a large number of baked goods, some of which are exclusive to this location. One of the foods he has for sale is the bilberry pie which had been my long-time favorite. Like every other store in Brynn, the selections are slightly overpriced.
SW: Guild Quarter
Mostly unfinished, check this place later. This will be where you can buy a lot of equipment and (hopefully) new capes.
Guild House Status: Unimplemented
This is where the guy that everyone dislikes lives. There will probably be some major questing here.
Tannery Status: Unimplemented (but it will be very soon)
Jeweler Status: Unimplemented
Carpenter Status: Unimplemented (but it will be very soon)
SmithyStatus: Unimplemented (but it will be very soon)
SE: Docks
Unfinished too, come back later.
Bathhouse Status: Unfortunately unimplemented
Comes 3 in 1 with a threshing shed, hot bath, and a brothel. I know you guys are really curious about the whorehouse but it will probably the last place they’ll add. There is also an empty general merchant stall and a well just across.
Potion Shop Status: Unimplemented
Where you could find a potion strong enough to defeat a dragon, unfortunately, the seller is not implemented yet.
Dockside Tavern Status: Unimplemented
Or maybe a shipwright’s office, idk for sure.
Dock Market Status: Unimplemented
There will definitely be merchants here, my bet is they will be selling trade goods for the upcoming major update.
The Docks Status: ???
A small coastal dock, absolutely nothing else of interest here aside from an insanely huge amount of leeches.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m feeling rather optimistic that this guide will get increasingly more questions as the updates begin to roll in. So for now, I’ll just make up my own questions to fill in this section.
Q: Where to sell my loot?
A: Mannshire
Q: Where can I buy lockpicks?
A: Mannshire
Q: How do I repair my equipment?
A: Go back to Mannshire for that
Q: Anything else of Interest?
A: Try finding the Rotten Willow Tavern if you can (hint: It’s nowhere in Brynn)
That's everything we are sharing today for this Stoneshard guide. This guide was originally created and written by Owlie. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.
Near the very NE corner of the town there is a guard captain-type guy standing near an equipment stall that has quests for you. Where is the leather merchant?
In the part where the 3 workstations are (southwest if i’m not mistaken), only the leader of those who make fabric sells items, to unlock purchases you need to pay a “fee” of 2000 coins