I will provide information on hidden and inaccurate properties of hero starcards in Star Wars Battlefront 2, including updates on previously bugged starcards that have been patched. Additionally, I’ll offer explanations for any unclear descriptions or functionalities, along with some helpful tips. This information is current as of the final update, the Battle on Scarif update.
Anakin Skywalker
Steamroll: If you use Pull Dominance, Heroic Might, or Retribution to send a villain tumbling off a ledge, and they meet their demise in the abyss within 3 seconds of triggering the ability, you will immediately receive the full 40% stamina reduction offered by this card. The reason behind this is that the void deals a whopping 80,000 damage, and only 4,000 damage to villains is necessary to unlock the maximum benefit of Steamroll.
Fierce Fighting: Instead of the 4 seconds mentioned in the card description, this card shaves off 5 seconds from the cooldown of Passionate Strike.
Roll Together: By utilizing this card, the cooldown of your allies’ abilities gets a remarkable 21% reduction. BB-8’s default cooldown reduction for allies stands at 6%, and this card supplements it with an additional 15 percentage points.
Boba Fett
Quick Refill: Although this card is intended to boost your jetpack refuel rate by 15%, in practice, it only manages to provide approximately a 12.3% increase.
Augmented Gear: Regrettably, this card does not function as intended. Even when striking 3 or more enemies with the Concussion Rocket while equipped with this card, it fails to eliminate the fuel consumption.
Note: When you strike 3 or more enemies with the Concussion Rocket, the jetpack icon turns yellow, indicating that it shouldn’t consume fuel. However, in reality, it continues to deplete fuel as usual, rendering this card ineffective.
Tip! Boba Fett’s Flamethrower Melee attack deals 100 damage. Yet, when striking an enemy positioned within the outer 5% of his melee range, it registers as two hits, totaling 200 damage. This phenomenon occurs more frequently when attacking a retreating enemy.
Trap Arming Speed: This starcard doesn’t just increase the arming speed of Bossk’s Proximity Mines by the stated 60%; it goes above and beyond, speeding up the arming process by approximately 65%. Notably, Trap Arming Speed significantly reduces the time between the bombs hitting the ground and their readiness to detonate. While the default arming time is relatively short, this card practically allows for near-instant detonation!
Spreading The Disease: Unfortunately, this card doesn’t function as intended. It’s meant to increase the size and thickness of the gas cloud produced by the Dioxis Grenade by 20%, but it fails to provide any increase in these aspects.
Ultimate Predator: The functionality of this card is somewhat limited. It’s supposed to extend the duration of the Predator Instincts ability by 30% for every enemy defeated. However, it will only prolong the duration if the enemy is taken down by Bossk’s Micro Grenades or Proximity Mines. Enemies defeated by his Dioxis Grenade or Melee Attacks won’t contribute to extending the ability duration.
Captain Phasma
The More The Better: Despite the card description stating a 50% increase, it only boosts Turret rotation speed by 25%. By default, the turret completes a full 360° rotation in 6 seconds. With this card equipped, it speeds up to 4.5 seconds. Note that the turret continually rotates to spot targets, stopping and firing when it detects an enemy within range. The rotation speed doesn’t affect the turret’s firing or stunning speed.
Easy Shots: This card previously promised a 65% reduction in Phasma’s main weapon heat, but now it delivers a 60% reduction per kill. It clears 60% of the heat bar, allowing for continuous fire and helping Phasma maintain her built-up accuracy. No lasting effects are associated with this card.
Laser Wall Durability: This card’s recharge speed reduction activates after 4 kills instead of 5, and it provides a 30% reduction in the recharge time for Captain Phasma’s abilities instead of the stated 25%. This change results in both her Survivor and First Order Sentry Droid abilities recharging in 14 seconds instead of 20 seconds.
There’s No Escape: Previously, this card was broken and increased the duration by 0.60 seconds. It now extends the duration by the intended 0.35 seconds, from 1.4 seconds to 1.75 seconds. Note that stunning two unique enemies is required, with the second enemy being stunned for the extended duration immediately upon impact. If the turret is picked up and redeployed or destroyed, this effect resets.
Echoing Roar: This starcard is designed to extend the duration of the Furious Bowcaster ability by 40% for each enemy defeated while the ability is active. However, it only works when enemies are defeated by Chewbacca’s Bowcaster, not his Melee Attacks or Charge Slam ability.
Extended Shock: Contrary to its description, this card increases the Shock duration by only 20% (from 1.1 seconds to 1.3 seconds) and extends the recharge time by 50% (from 15 seconds to 22.5 seconds).
Charging Frenzy: Instead of providing a “Damage Received Reduction” of 50% as stated, this card increases the ability’s natural damage reduction of 30% to a whopping 80%, offering an increase of 50 percentage points.
Impervious: While the card claims to grant 2% damage reduction for every 200 damage dealt by an ability, it also offers damage reduction for Chewbacca’s melee attacks if Furious Bowcaster is active during the melee damage. Furthermore, if you push a villain off a ledge using Charge Slam with Furious Bowcaster active and they perish in the void within 3 seconds of the ability’s use, you will immediately receive the full 34% damage reduction granted by the card.
Tip! Chewbacca’s Melee attacks deal increased damage, with each hit dealing 90 damage. He executes two swift swings, allowing him to eliminate most troopers with a total of 180 damage before they can escape.
Count Dooku
Initiative:Each strike with this card indeed reduces the recharge time by precisely 1 second, aligning with the card description. You’ll notice a yellow circle around the crosshair when the guaranteed critical hit provided by the card is ready.
Darth Maul
Lightsaber Defense: While this card is intended to grant Maul a 16% damage reduction against blasters, it also unexpectedly bestows a universal 60% damage reduction when Maul uses his Spin Attack.
Thrown To Slow: Despite the card’s intention to increase the damage of Choke Hold by 30 when choking 2 or more enemies, it increases it by 19, resulting in a total of 96 damage per enemy.
Fool Me Once:This card is meant to enhance the cooldown rate of all of Darth Maul’s abilities by 10%. However, it only achieves reductions of approximately 4% for Furious Throw, 5.5% for Choke Hold, and 4.5% for Spin Attack. If the Flow Motion starcard is in use, the Spin Attack’s recharge time decreases by around 3.5%.
Savage:Although this card claims that the Spin Attack ability will recharge 75% faster, in practice, it reduces the recharge time by a substantial 75%, speeding it up from 5 seconds to just 1.25 seconds per spin. It’s important to note that this card doesn’t require hitting unique enemies to trigger the buff; you can activate it by striking 2 enemies back and forth, resulting in 4 total hits within 4 seconds.
Darth Vader
There Is No Escape: Previously, this starcard increased Saber Throw’s range by 67%, but it has since been adjusted to raise the throw range by 45% instead of the intended 50%.
Punishing Grip: This card was previously bugged, offering only a 25% Choke duration increase instead of the intended 40%. However, this issue has been resolved, and it now functions as intended. The damage of the choke increases as its duration is extended, ranging from 126 to 174.
Tip! Combining the starcards “Punishing Grip” and “Last Gasp” works synergistically, allowing Vader to deal 261 (174 x 1.5) damage per enemy with a single choke, representing a significant 107% damage increase compared to the Force Choke’s original damage.
Emperor Palpatine
Amplified Aura: Contrary to the requirement of 3 targets to trigger the 30% damage increase, this card activates immediately, increasing damage from 15dmg/tick to 19.5dmg/tick. The first damage tick does not deal extra damage.
Prime Electrocution: This card is designed to stun opponents for 30% longer, resulting in them being unable to move or shoot for 1.3 seconds instead of 1. However, it increases the immobilization period by a substantial 60% (1.6 seconds) while maintaining the intended 1.3 seconds of being unable to shoot.
Growing Darkness: Although the card inaccurately states that it should increase the Dark Aura area of effect by 20%, it only achieves a modest ~10% increase over the duration of Dark Aura being active.
Beacon Of Hope: This card originally increased the range of Big Deal by 50%, but it now functions as intended, providing a 40% increase in range.
No More Running: Contrary to the requirement of 3 kills to activate the damage increase, this card immediately triggers the damage boost upon spawning.
Stay Calm: In previous updates, this card only recharged Deadeye’s duration by 34% instead of the intended 40%. However, this issue has been rectified, and it now recharges by 40% as intended.
Never Going Back: In previous updates, this card only recharged Undercover Team’s duration by 36% instead of the intended 40%. This has also been fixed, and it now recharges by the intended 40%.
General Grievous
Jedi Killer: This starcard previously increased the reach of Thrust Surge by 37%, but it has since been patched to correctly increase the reach by the intended 50%. Additionally, when using Thrust Surge, Grievous receives a 100% damage reduction buff while jumping toward his target, regardless of which cards are equipped.
Line Up, Weaklings: Although this card claims to increase Claw Rush’s damage for every enemy hit, it simply provides a flat 50 damage increase, regardless of how many enemies are struck.
Beating Heart & Flesh Is Weak: These two distinct cards work together. Using Flesh Is Weak reduces Grievous’s health regeneration rate by half, to 25hp/s. However, if the player equips Beating Heart, it cancels the negative effect of Flesh Is Weak, restoring his health regeneration rate to the default 50hp/s.
Han Solo
All In: A kill with Shoulder Charge not only reduces the recharge time for the ability by 75%, as intended, but it also applies a 50% cooldown reduction to the rest of Han Solo’s abilities. This effect persists until the Shoulder Charge ability is used again.
Iden Versio
Shock Reach: The card descriptions have been switched with Acquiring Targets, causing Shock Reach to perform the functions of Acquiring Targets. Shock Reach now grants an extended range for the Droid Stun ability, allowing it to cover greater distances and affect enemies farther away.
Acquiring Targets: Similarly, the card descriptions have been swapped, making Acquiring Targets function like Shock Reach. Acquiring Targets increases the area of effect when the Stun Droid successfully stuns someone, enhancing the likelihood of stunning multiple nearby targets.
Kylo Ren
Resilience: This card functions as intended, but its effects are only active when near specific villains: Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, or General Grievous. Memo: This card operates exclusively in the presence of Force- and/or Lightsaber-users.
Closing In: Despite claiming to increase Frenzy’s range by 40%, this card provides a 30% increase instead.
Total Control: Originally, this card aimed to increase Freeze duration by 40% when freezing 3 enemies. However, it now functions correctly, extending the duration by 50%.
Lando Calrissian
Welcome To Cloud City: This card is non-functional, failing to increase the size and thickness of the smoke produced by the Smoke Grenade by the specified 30%.
Disabler Growth: After 5 seconds, this card increases the Disabler’s stun and reveal range by 25% rather than the stated 30%. It used to offer a 15% increase after only 1.7 seconds, but this has been changed since the Scarif update.
Quick Shock: The augmented shock duration granted by this card activates if the Disabler detonates after 5 seconds of attachment, rather than within 5 seconds as intended. Additionally, it increases the shock duration by only 20%, not the intended 30%.
Wide Eyed: Initially, this card promised to increase the range of Sharpshot by 65%, but it has since been patched to correctly increase the range by 40%.
Leia Organa
Optimized Shield Deployment: Although this card should reduce the cooldown time by 30%, it actually reduces it by 25%, bringing the recharge time down from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.
Fearless: Unfortunately, this card does not function as intended. It should increase the blast radius of Leia’s Thermal Detonators, but it does not provide any increase.
Luke Skywalker
Epicenter: This card works as intended, providing an additional 40 unblockable damage. This can be useful for preventing villains from healing or finishing off low-health villains. Note that the extra unblockable damage is dealt when the target is within the smaller circle that appears when the ability is used.
Deflection Mastery: Despite the card’s claim that blocked blaster shots are deflected super accurately, the difference is not significant. While deflected shots may be somewhat more accurate over longer distances, they are not substantially more precise than those of other heroes.
Jedi Fighter: This card, although stating that it reduces Stamina costs for both attacking and deflecting blaster bolts, also affects blocking saber or melee attacks. In essence, it affects all Stamina costs for Luke.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
More Doubts: Initially, this card increased the Restrictive Mind Trick range by 60% instead of the intended 50%. However, it has been adjusted, and it now increases it by only 45%.
Damaging Strike: Despite the card’s assertion that Dash Strike will deal more damage for every enemy hit, it simply provides a flat 30% damage increase, regardless of how many enemies are hit. Hitting more enemies does not further increase the damage.
Strong Mind: This starcard increases Mind Trick’s range by 25%, not the stated 30%.
Deep Mind: Increases the duration of Mind Trick by 25%, not the stated 30%.
Unleashed: This card increases the base range of Unleash by 25%, but it also limits the maximum damage of Unleash to 160. Without this card, the maximum damage is 190.
Earned It I Have: Although the card is intended to speed up the energy build-up for Yoda’s Unleash ability, it does not decrease the build-up time at all.
Size Matters Not: This card is somewhat inconsistent. With this card equipped, it typically heals Yoda for 92hp instead of the intended 75hp (50%) when the yellow health pool of 150hp is depleted due to damage it prevented. When used alongside the “Feel The Force” starcard, it usually grants more than 100hp, with the exact amount varying. The numbers are unreliable, but it does fulfill its intended purpose of healing Yoda.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Star Wars Battlefront II guide. This guide was originally created and written by shuds. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.