This guide will show you the list of all endings for each scenario in Quest Giver. At the same you time, you will also find the details on how to unlock them in the game. Please note that this guide contains spoilers of Quest Giver.
All Endings Guide
- Reach the conclusion with only one ending, simply navigate through it.
The World Needs a Hero
- Skip the secret mission (don’t agree to it)
- Complete the last challenge successfully
- Choose just one hero for the ultimate task
- Unsuccessfully finish the ultimate mission
- Overlook the ultimate mission (don’t agree to take it on)
- Have two of your heroes lose their lives
- Lose your job (the quickest method is to avoid taking on contracts)
- Be defeated by a hero (let Urabeth fail two missions without surviving)
The Cult of the Dark One
- Admit your feelings to the pure hero
- Cause the noble hero’s demise
- Persuade the noble hero to end your life
- Be defeated by a hero (suggestion: Peej loses patience easily, let Peej fail two missions without surviving)
- Make it to the conclusion of day 12 without initiating a different conclusion
- Lose your job (the quickest method is to abstain from taking on contracts)
A Slimy Situation
- Cause the demise of either the knight or the negotiator
- Avoid assigning Robin to the quest involving the space goo
- Lose your job (the quickest method is to refrain from making contracts)
- Opt for the compassionate choice
- Opt for the aggressive choice
- Be defeated by a hero (hint: Pike is the least patient, let Pike fail two missions without surviving)
Sister Showdown
- Favor Sylvie over the Manager in most dialog choices (and assign Rikki to narrative missions)
- Prioritize the Manager over Sylvie in most dialog choices (and assign Danbee or Ovlov to narrative missions)
- Support both the Manager and Sylvie in dialog choices (and assign Rikki to one narrative mission and Danbee or Ovlov to the other)
- Cause the demise of any hero (hint: Rikki begins at the lowest level)
- Lose your job (the quickest method is to abstain from making contracts)
- Be defeated by a hero (all heroes in this scenario have equal patience; choose one and have them fail three missions without being killed, just demoted)
Manager’s Vacation
- Cause Phennel’s demise
- Make it to the conclusion without activating any alternate conclusions
- Lose your job (the quickest method is to refrain from making contracts)
- Be defeated by a hero (hint: Knair is the least patient, simply let Knair fail a mission
Heroic Strike
- Reach the conclusion without activating any alternative conclusions and present Azlet with the puppy
- Reach the conclusion without activating any alternative conclusions and withhold the puppy from Azlet
- Disregard the requests of either Benoite or Katryn
- Opt not to deploy an accessible hero on a quest, twice
- Cause the demise of Baldy (via perilous quests or by assigning him tasks on his day off)
- Disregard the Manager’s day off and assign her a mission
Old Friends
- Make it to the conclusion without activating any alternate endings
- Abstain from forming a contract for the initial quest
The End
- Reach the conclusion with only one ending, simply navigate through it.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Quest Giver guide. This guide was originally created and written by DarZal Games. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.