Check out this Project Wingman guide to learn how to complete the mission called Kings. Discover how to complete Project Wingman video game.
One of the missions that you will be taking to complete Project Wingman is called Kings. If you’re already on this certain part of the game, this guide will help you complete it.
Flares or AoA? You decide. From the get-go a Plane that has the AoA Limiter option will allow you to essentially do the Same High-G Maneuvers as the AI. And since the Missiles he uses don’t do that much DMG, going with AoA will just make your life easier.
What you essentially want to do is Stay on his 6. Then when he High-Gs into a certain direction, you just follow him. That way the moment you come out of your own Turn, you can just start blasting. Also, You can go to the Hangar and change Loadouts which will restart you, but just so you know. Flares are still viable but a bit of a pain. No Air to Ground Missile needed. SMAA at your own discretion.
Phase 1-2
The First Two phases shouldn’t “Phase” you, Get it? But bad Jokes Aside its the Usual High-G Ace AI that you will be fighting. Make sure you Avoid the Lasers and the Ground. The only reason I died twice is due to Mother Earth.
Phase 3
The Third Phase and the Hidden Phase, however: Watch out because staying to close on him might get you trapped in one of his “Hemroids”. The Red Bubbles that will slow you down and Damage your Aircraft.
“At the Bubble Phases, just start taking into the air and get some good room above the cloud Layer. That way you have plenty of room and in case you end up in one of his Hemroids you can just pick one of four directions to go without having to check for obstacles. And even if you lose yourself in the Clouds, Throttle up and hold a certain Pitch till you come out above or below. Since there is plenty of space between Ground and the Clouds, you should be fine with manoeuvring.” -Dude, A discussion about the End Boss Fight
The Secret Phase has about the same HP as the other individual ones. Overall once you got him dead. It all feels kind of disappointing, at least for me.
And that’s everyone you need to know about the mission called Kings in Project Wingman. We would like to thank BOT_Dude for this awesome Project Wingman guide.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Project Wingman guide. This guide was originally created and written by RB Staff. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.