Suggestions for enclosing plants and decorating the ground.
The first tip is something that many beginners struggle with plants! To make it look nice, don’t put trees or flowers in the corners; it looks strange, and animals that can climb can get out.
Also, before you plant anything for your wonderful animal, double-check the biome and continents. (You can do this by going to the zoopedia and selecting animal > environment > ideal plant range.)
If you need a certain amount of coverage, don’t just scatter one plant around! To make it look natural and pretty, scatter it and switch between trees/bushes/flowers. If you have access to vines or mosses, try to use them! To advance translate and/or rotate the vine, press ‘X’ (by default) (s).
Appropriate Habitat Sizes
Don’t you want happy animals? You, of course, do! The clouded leopard appears to be in good spirits! This is due to the enclosure’s perfect size, perfect hides, and perfect climbing area!
When it comes to an animal that can climb, you should avoid adding trees around the barriers, as previously mentioned. But you also don’t want them to be able to climb the walls! By hovering your mouse over a wall in the barrier section, you can see if it is climbable. You can, however, make them climb-proof! You also want the walls to be tall enough so that they can’t escape while still looking good. I accomplish this by avoiding anything climbable that is too close to the wall; it always works for me!
You can find out what the minimum size of an enclosure should be in the zoopedia. You’d be surprised how big they can get. My koala enclosure is 882m2, which is 642m2 larger than the minimum, which is 240m2 if you’re too lazy to do the math. When you consider the hard shelter, food bowls, and so on, it’s quite small for koalas.
When you have swimmable areas, say for hippos, you sometimes [at least I do] go overboard and remove some ground below and past the barrier. When this occurs and the animal passes through the barrier beneath it, the animal is marked as “escaped.” So be cautious! The same thing will happen if an animal climbs a tree and jumps over the barrier, as happened to me.
No Animal Lonely
Oh, goodie, we have a social animal! Under species data in the zoopedia, you can see the minimum and maximum group sizes. This is obviously beneficial because they will not become stressed, sad, or lonely as a result of this. Failure to do so may result in the animal escaping or attempting to escape. Furthermore, some, but not all, animals can and will benefit from the presence of other species in their environment. For example, a meerkat and an aardvark in a cage.
Others, on the other hand, it will result in predation, which isn’t a good thing unless you’re like me and purposefully created predation for fun. I don’t recommend having too many males and females because they will breed a lot. I usually only do females or males in a habitat, but if I really have to, I’ll do both. Greater flamingos, on the other hand, can have up to 500 in one habitat! Males and females can usually be done at this time. Unless you intend to sell your animals, you may freely breed them.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Planet Zoo guide. This guide was originally created and written by wdwmccartys. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.