This guide teaches you how to become really good at using the Ouija board for anything you want.
This part talks about finding the ghost or bone. “Where are you?” reveals the current room of the ghost (not necessarily its favorite). “Are you close/here?” indicates if the ghost is in the same room as you. “Where is the bone?” tells you the room where the bone is.
Remember, using “Where are you?” and “Where is the bone?” costs 50% sanity each, so use them wisely. “Are you close/here?” is a more affordable version of “Where are you?” as it only takes 20% sanity. Be mindful of your sanity levels.
These questions come in handy when the sanity screen in the truck is not working. “What is my sanity?” provides responses like ‘Healthy’ (sanity > 80%), ‘Good’ (60-80%), ‘Average’ (40-60%), ‘Bad’ (20-40%), ‘Awful’ (<20%). “How insane am I?” offers responses such as ‘Not very’ (>50%), ‘Very’ (25-50%), ‘Insane’ (<25%).
Keep in mind that these questions use only 5% of your sanity. Use them to check your mental state when needed.
Other Questions
These questions are less crucial, and I’m focusing on the helpful ones. “Do you respond to everyone?” answers if the player needs to be alone for the spirit box. “How old are you?” provides a random age, and if it changes, it indicates the ghost is a Thaye. “Hide and seek?” counts down from 5 and triggers a hunt.
Remember, the priority is on the more useful questions. Use these selectively, as they may not be as essential for your investigation.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Phasmophobia guide. This guide was originally created and written by nickd86. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.