This guide will show you how to get a better FPS when playing Persona 3 Reloaded on Steam Deck.
In-Game Settings
Graphics Settings:
- Rendering Scale: Keep it at around 100% for the best balance between performance and quality.
- Shadow Quality: Not a significant impact on gameplay.
- Background Brightness: Adjust to your preference since it doesn’t affect gameplay.
- Frame Rate Limit: Set to 60 for LCD Deck. Try 120 for OLED Deck if 60 fps isn’t sufficient, though some areas struggle to reach 60 fps.
- Reflections: Turn off for a major FPS boost in the game.
Display Settings:
- Resolution: Keep it close to the Deck’s native resolution, such as 1280×800 or 1280×720, whichever is available.
- Screen Mode: Experiment with different settings to find the sharpest one. Surprisingly, for me, it’s Windowed mode.
- Monitor: The Steam Deck has only one screen, or does it? (This part seems to hint at a feature or option worth exploring further.)
- VSync: Your preference, but it’s likely better with a 60 fps cap.
Launcher Settings
Proton Settings
Around the time of its release, Persona 3 Reload on the Steam Deck faced a significant issue with outdated Proton software. To address this problem until updates are integrated into the main release, follow these steps to access the latest Proton fixes:
- Open your Steam Library and search for “Proton Experimental.” Install it if you haven’t already.
- Navigate to the game’s Properties, then select Betas.
- Choose the “bleeding-edge – latest and untested dvxk (…)” option (the longest one).
- Access Persona 3 Reload’s Properties, then go to Compatibility.
- Enable “Force the use of specific Steam Play compatibility tool.”
- Select “Proton Experimental” from the provided list.
This adjustment notably improves performance in areas like Tartarus, which now runs smoothly, and the Velvet Room, which though not reaching 60 fps, is significantly improved from its previous state resembling a PowerPoint presentation.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Persona 3 Reload guide. This guide was originally created and written by Konrados232. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.