In this guide you will find out how to mod Peggle Deluxe, you will need to download some external software. But once used it can be deleted and it will never be needed again.
Locating your Game Folder
This is done pretty easily. For this you need to go to Steam-> Library->Right Click on Peggle Deluxe -> Manage -> Browse Local Files
Preparing the Game File Unpacking
You need to download these Files:
QuickBMS is our main software to unpack the Game Files and 7x7m is our Script to do this.
Unpacking the Game Files
This is the hardest step, once you have completed this one you can also delete the files you downloaded in Step 2.
You will need to Open QuickBMS (It is located inside the Zip file you downloaded)
This software will ask you to open a script. The script you will choose is the one you’ve downloaded, 7x7m.
After choosing the script it will ask you what file you want to unpack. For this, you want to go to the Game Files that we located earlier and select main.pak
Once you selected the file it will ask you where all the unpacked files will land. You will choose the same folder with all the other Game Files.
The last step is to rename main.pak to main.pak.bak and save the file as main.bak (Windows should do it automatically once you confirm the name change)
Congratulations. You have successfully unpacked the game files and you are ready for modding! You can also now delete QuickBMS and
Modding the Game Files
Now that you have all the files this is where the fun begins, you will be greeted by many game files such as characters, images, sounds, and many more.
In characters, you will be able to find all your characters from the game.
For each character, there are at least 6 files, depending on your type of modding you will require to edit more or less. I will use Horney, the main character, as an example. We will only need to mod 4 files for this very basic modding.
The first file is Horney.jpg . This one contains 3 images inside this one, a left-looking unicorn, a front-looking one and a right-looking one. To mod it you will need to change every single face to the ones of your liking respecting the direction the character is looking at.
Once this is done we will need to modify our next file, Horney_.gif
As you will see this one is a Black and White cutout. You will want to copy your Horney.jpg image make a black and white cutout and replace the Horney_.gif image with this new one.
The last step is disabling the eyes so they don’t annoy us in-game. For this, you will want to go to HorneyEYE_.gif and edit it so it all becomes black.
Good Job, you just modded your first character. You can now go in-game and play as Horsey and you will see your new character
Do you want to see an example? Here is what I did, I used the Rock as our new character:
This is how he looks like in-game:
I will expand this guide with how to mod sounds, music, background and other stuff soon
That's everything we are sharing today for this Peggle Deluxe guide. This guide was originally created and written by ElAtiendeBoludos. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.