This guide will show you the list of all collectibles in Peak of Yore and where and how to get them all.
Hey everyone! This is my very first guide, so it might not be perfect. Please tell me if you think any of these explanations could be better. I might also add pictures later. Remember to talk and listen to as many people as you can. If you can climb with a friend, that’s awesome! They might give you useful stuff like coffee or ropes.
Getting the 4 pieces of the photo and putting them in the frame gives you a super cool upgrade. It makes your ropes twice as long! Try your best to beat the speed records on all the mountains. It gives you a really good upgrade, like maybe unlimited coffee and chalk. You’ll need all the upgrades you can get to handle the last mountains.
And hey, focus on the items with a star. They’re the most important!
Old Mill
- Hat: From where you start, cross the bridge, and you’ll find it hanging in the tree to the left.
Gray Gully
- *Family Photo Piece #1: Look to the top left up the mountain. Proceed up the left path at the fork.
Old Man of Sjor
- Shoe: Start up the mountain, at the fork along the default path, go left, and keep going left and up where possible.
Giant’s Shelf
- Sleeping Bag: As soon as you enter the level, turn around, and you’ll see it. Walk up and climb to it.
Evergreen’s End
- *+2 Ropes: While looking at the mountain, ropes hang on a rock all the way to the left halfway up. Grab them on the way up the default path.
- Hat: While looking at the mountain, about 90% up the middle, you’ll see the item near the base of the long middle branch. Grab it on the way up the default path.
Old Grove’s Skelf
- Helmet: About halfway up, you’ll find an overhang. Once past it, straight and to the right, you should see the item. Continue along the path until you hit a boulder overhang right past some shrubbery. Set an anchor for safety and follow the crimp path to the right to reach the item.
Hangman’s Leap
- *+2 Ropes: After reaching the 2nd anchor point, look straight ahead to see ropes hanging on a rock. Drop below the 3rd anchor, and you’ll find them below; drop down to grab them.
Land’s End
- *Family Photo Piece #2: Around the 1st ridge, look near the bottom between this ridge and the next to find the item.
- *+2 Ropes: After the 1st ridge, near the top, you’ll see ropes hanging. Use ropes and leaps to go up, then follow the path to drop down to them.
Old Langr
- *+2 Coffee: Keep walking past the coffee bros until below the overhang right after them. Take the upper path, and you’ll see the item near the absolute top of the mountain.
Aldr Grotto
- Backpack: Near the beginning, after an overhang, take the left path at the small fork to find the item.
Three Brothers
- Shovel: At the top of the very 1st mountain on your right, start heading up the smooth rock to the right. Follow the path to the fork; both lead to the item.
Walter’s Crag
- *+2 Ropes: As soon as you enter, you’ll see them hanging in front. Start from the left path, follow along, and use a rope to drop down to grab them.
- Golden Peaks Trophy: Stand away from the mountain, face it, and use the monocle to look near the top. Use the left path to rope and leap up to find the item.
Great Crevice
- *+2 Ropes: Follow the default path to instantly see ropes on the left side of the crevice after crossing over to the right side.
- *Family Photo Piece #3: To the right of where the ropes are/were, use the same idea to jump to the left side of the crevice, then take the left path at the fork.
Old Hagger
- *+2 Ropes: Look up at the mountain towards the left side to see ropes hanging. Follow the default path and take the right path at the fork to leap up to them.
Ugsome Storr
- *+2 Ropes: Once you enter, use the monocle and look to the top right side of the mountain to see them hanging. Follow the default path, take the right path up, and then go down to rope and leap across.
Wuthering Crest
- *+2 Coffee: Use the monocle to look straight up, and you’ll see it slightly to the right. Follow the default path, take the upper path, and leap across to the left side, then go up and around to reach the item.
- *+2 Ropes: Use the monocle to look towards the top right side of the mountain to see ropes hanging. Follow the path to get the coffee and keep going until you’re ascending a rock. Use a rope to drop down to the path below and grab the ropes.
Leaning Spire
- Golden Bouldering Trophy: Take the default path, staying on the bottom. When near the end, instead of jumping up to the sliding rock, reach around and continue along that path.
Walker’s Pillar
- *+2 Chalk: After reaching the 1st crux, two branches are in front of you. At the 2nd branch, look down, and there’s a rock leading to the item. Use a rope to drop down and grab it.
Great Gaol
- *Photo Frame: After completing the 1st crux, shortly along the path, there’s a fork. Take the right path, and the item will be at the end of it.
- *+2 Ropes: Right after jumping to the 2nd mountain, the ropes are below you to the right. Use a rope to drop and grab them.
- *+2 Chalk: Visible from the start, look up and to the right to see a dark patch on the mountain. Right above that, you should see the item. As you continue along the path, you’ll see it again to your right, slightly past the guy sitting on the rock. Continue a little further until you reach the rock with anchor points, and it’ll be right below you. Use a rope to get down and grab it.
- *+2 Ropes: Keep following the default path until you reach the crux “Passage of Furled Fingers.” Look to your right, and you’ll see the ropes hanging there with a path coming from the left. Go through the crux until you reach the 1st normal rock down on the right side near the end of all the crimps. Use a rope to drop down, swing towards a rock, and find your way to the ropes.
St. Haelga
- *Family Photo Piece #4: Visible in the middle of the 1st crux “crumbling pass.” Follow the default path until you reach an overhang with 3 anchors. Forks here lead straight ahead or towards the right lip of the mountain. Follow the right path. The item is in the middle of the crux, just after 3 wooden stumps in a row. You can see it from the bottom row; take the top row and rope down to it.
Ymir’s Shadow
- Golden Tines Trophy: Right after the end of the 1st crux on a branching path to the right. After completing the crux, leap up to the rock jutting out on the right side. Look down and to the right to see rocks you can rope down to. Follow until the end of the path.
- *+2 Ropes: This is well into the level, along the normal path in the middle of the THIRD crux. After scaling around the underside of an underhang, instead of dropping to the sliding rock, leap up to grab them.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Peaks of Yore guide. This guide was originally created and written by PoiZn. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.