if you’ve been playing pavlov im sure you’ve seen servers for something called SCP Secret Laboratory, in this guide i’ll be telling you the basics of what its about and some tips for it
Content in this guide is subject to change as the gamemode is receiving updates regularly
This guide will go over the basics of what the game mode is about and delving into tactics and tips for those playing
if you’re unfamiliar with SCP lore its basically a fictional elite and ultra secretive organization that Secures, Contains & Protects Anomalous entities that appear in the world to both study and protect the general public from it, they study these entities using Death row inmates known as D-class who are used as test subjects with almost no regard for their life.
there are other organizations out there with the purpose of disrupting the SCP foundation. the game takes place during a containment breach where 1 to 3 dangerous SCP’s have broken containment and are trying to kill everything else.
The map is split into 4 main segments, Light Containment Zone, Heavy Containment Zone, Entrance Zone, and the Surface.
the D-Class And Scientists who’s goal is to escape spawn in Light Containment zone. they must make thier way through heavy containment zone to Entrance zone so they can make it to either Gate A or Gate B to take an elevator to the surface where they may escape to a pathway next to the MTF spawn
MTF and Chaos Insurgents Spawn on the surface, MTF spawns near Gate B, Chaos Insurgents spawn near Gate A
now lets move onto the teams
The team known as MTF (Mobile Task Force) is tasked with Securing the facility by eliminating the breached SCPS,
they are also tasked with assisting Scientists in escaping and upon doing so will be turned into another MTF soldier,
Another task is to prevent the escape of D-class by either killing them or handcuffing them (you spawn with a pair of cuffs, hold it and press trigger on somone to cuff them) if the D-class is unarmed and not running it is highly encouraged to Cuff them instead of kill them, but if they try to escape or are armed you are free to put them down, when a cuffed D-class makes it to the end zone they are turned into an MTF soldier
Periodically throughout the match there is a chance for every dead person to be repsawned as MTF or Chaos Insurgents, the announcer will state it and the scoreboard will show you as well
in this gamemode they use the Aurora Soldier Model
MTF Spawn with a variety of primary weapons and a Five Seven Pistol, they spawn with a keycard that can open every gate, two frag grenades, a flashbang and handcuffs
TIPS: if you’re a part of the first MTF wave know that once you enter the facility you are not safe, if the person playing 106 is smart he will Rush you and can easily ambush you in the office zone
At the beginning of the round SCP 049 can camp the area near the Heavy Containment Zone Gate, watch for open doors and check your corners
if you spawn in as mtf midway through the round know that the elevators are never truly safe, the SCPs can easily and will camp the elevator and wipe everyone inside, to avoid risks try having have the squad go to the other elevator. you can also send down a sacrificial teammate to test for SCP’s if you do this make sure to watch the kill feed
Never blindly chase an SCP around corners, they can and will ambush you
Try not to get split up from the group but never overcrowd an area, if there’s too many people in one spot friendly fire becomes inevitable
Never let yourself get cornered and never underestimate the zombies
The team known as scientists are employees of the SCP Facility and have one Goal, and that’s to escape. They are allied with the MTF who help them to escape, Scientists and D-class may help eachother escape but they are not allies and are able to turn on eachother if they so choose
Their main threat is the SCP’s who will try to kill them, they are also enemies with the Chaos Insurgents who can handcuff them and convert them to chaos insurgents once they reach the escape zone
Scientists spawn with a Keycard that can unlock all the locked doors in the facility
this team only spawns at the start of the game
Tips: Try and use the D-class to help you escape with raw numbers, its harder for an SCP to catch 10 people then just one or two stragglers
once you link up with MTF book it to the elevators, but before you enter listen for a set of footsteps that are not yours, this will indicate if 106 is going to try and elevator trap you on the way out
dont try and fight alongside the MTF if you have the option, make it to the surface to become an MTF so the win conditions are met
you spawn with a keycard that can access the armory in light containment, keep in mind 173 spawns in the same area the armory is
D Class are Prisoners within the facility who’s goal is to escape, you’re encouraged to work together with other d-class to escape but its entirely up to you how you go about escaping, you may work with scientists or betray them if you wish but usually they are a free ticket out of light containment zone with their keycards
D-class spawn with no items and must find weapons and keycards to escape
MTF may kill you if you are uncooperative or armed, but they are encouraged to capture you if you cooperate, you may shoot MTF on sight if you wish
Chaos Insurgents are your friend who’s main goal is to make sure you escape
if you escape without being handcuffed you will respawn as a chaos insurgent
The Scps will try to kill you
This class spawns only spawns at the start of the round
Tips: Use scientists to open the gates for you, but dont follow them towards the MTF, once out of light containment you’re usually able to make it to entrance zone
if the announcer calls out an MTF spawn wave do not try and make it to the surface, try and hide out in entrance zone till they come down and go past you
Gate A is usually the safest way out but Gate B is the quickest to the exit
Chaos Insurgents
This Team is Chaos Insurgency, they are basically the Anti-MTF and are tasked with rescuing D-class and capturing Scientists while killing MTF on sight. this is the only team allowed to cooperate with the SCPs as long as there are no D-class at risk
They only appear if a d-class escapes uncuffed or if instead of an MTF Respawn wave there is a chance its a Chaos Spawn wave
they are armed with an vast array of primaries with even a chance to spawn with a PIAT, or they can spawn with a very poor gun like the civllian hunting rifle, but they always have either a deagle or a tec-9 on thier hip
they also spawn with the same extra gear as MTF
They Wear a grey/tan version of the model below
TIps: if the SCP’s attack first dont feel guilty for shooting back, there will be people on both sides who dont know you’re supposed to work together
049’s zombies can use your pistols
SCP 173
SCP 173 is a large statue looking creature that only moves when you aren’t looking, it has the ability force everyone nearby to blink so it can move (press trigger) and can move extremely fast and if it touches you it will snap your neck
the person playing this will spawn at the start of the round and must survive the whole round while killing all the D-class, Scientists and MTF to win
173 spawns in light containment zone and is able to rush the escaping D-class and Scientists usually to great results
to kill 173 you just gotta shoot it A LOT till it crumbles and dies
a player’s line of sight does not go through doors or other players, meaning you may see him but he is still able to move
Tips: Corners are your freind, they make for great Ambush spots and your blink ability can quickly close the gap on your prey in an instant,
Never let yourself get stuck with people shooting you, try and be quick and avoid getting shot the best you can, use your blink ability to escape and shut doors to break line of sight
whenever an MTF wave spawns rush towards Gate B if possible, you will absolutely massacre anyone in the elevator
cooperate with other SCP’s to corner and pincer any groups of enemies
SCP 049
SCP 049 is a man in a plague doctor outfit with the mask and everything who is much stronger then the average person and is able to turn corpses into zombies and kills everyone he touches
in game he spawns at the start of the round in an elevator near the heavy containment/entrance zone gate
once he comes across a corpse he can ressurect it with the large needle on his chest, you need to find the actual hitbox for it to work, if the needle is red that means it wont work, if its yellow it will work and green means its currently working. you need to inject the corpse with the needle until the fluid drains and the player is respawned as a zombie
049 is killed by being shot, though he does have a large amount of health and when shot is extremely slowed down
049-2 (the zombies) can only use pistols and flashbangs, anything more and it will automatically drop it from your hands
tips: At the start of the match you can quickly enter into entrance zone to ambush MTF, just hold a corner/door and wait for them, then death touch them and revive their corpses
when an MTF wave spawns try and ambush the elevator as you can kill lots of people and get plenty of corpses to zombify
Never try and revive a corpse while getting shot, its only a waste of time since they will get insta-domed once revived
SCP 106
SCP 106 (AKA Larry) is a pure black figure that when he touches somone sends them to a maze that slowly kills them, to escape you have to find a glowing red hole in the wall
106 can fade into a goopy black pile on the floor and move around through the world mostly undetectable (press trigger) the only way to know he is there is by his loud footsteps, and can emerge from the ground from another goopy black mass on the floor though it takes a few moments to be able to move
106 is able to move through doors so closing them wont stop him
106 cant be killed by bullets and you must contain him using his cell in heavy containment zone, someone needs to step into the glowing red cylinder to sacrifice themselves and another person needs to press the big red button afterwards, at the point 106 is contained and is no longer apart of the game
tips: 106 is very fast while underground, he can quickly reach MTF before they make it to the entrance zone where he can easily ambush and wipe them out. and the same can be done when an MTF wave spawns
check on your cell regularly to make sure no one tries to contain you while you’re away
bullets mostly go through you so you can make MTF accidentally friendly fire through you
try and ambush people around corners or doors so they have the least amount of time to react and run
try and corner your victims between you and another SCP
That's everything we are sharing today for this Pavlov VR guide. This guide was originally created and written by Dwarven Archer. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.