✅ Source verified via Steam Community
- Patch Title: Path of the Abyss ver0.11.8cリリース
- Patch Release Date: April 3,2024
The developer of Path of the Abyss has released a new update for the game on April 3, 2024. Here are the new things that you should expect to see or change on this new update. This information was curated directly from the official announcement on Steam.
- 戦闘ログの開閉状態について、前回戦闘の状態を引き継ぐようにしました
- 不意打ち状態で逃走クールダウン時、ショートカットキーで逃走または全力逃走すると、その戦闘に限り全力逃走できなくなる
To learn more about this new update, check the official source mentioned above.