This guide includes a list of every level type in the game, as well as descriptions of what they do, tips, tricks, and more!
Mob Round
The most common and fundamental level. You will be presented with a number of enemies to defeat. To win, you must defeat all of them.
Multi Round
In Multi Round, you will be confronted with a set number of enemies to defeat over the course of several rounds. The Bonus Speed will increase after you complete a round. Because all enemies in Multi Round are gray, each enemy only takes one hit.
Missing will kill you in Perfection. Aside from that, it’s just another mob round.
Power Weapon
You will be given a power weapon (such as a chainsaw or a light sword) that you cannot drop in Power Weapon. On the Power weapon, all enemies will be gray (because power weapons already make enemies gray).
Deadly Target
In Deadly Target, you must defeat specific enemies. However, the kill will only be counted if the target is killed with throwing weapons. Fortunately, nearly every enemy carries a throwing weapon that you can use.
Blade Storm
Throwing weapons will be used instead of normal enemies. Keep in mind that weapons that you dodge, deflect, or throw will destroy the entire side of what you were aiming at.
Death Ball
Although I don’t believe there is an official name for this round, it does exist because it has its own map icon and it does something. This is one of the game’s easiest level types. It spawns death balls with infinite “health.” So you can just keep hitting the balls back and forth and not be concerned about missing.
Horror Show
In Horror Show, you have to kill enemies into stage props for the kill to count.
In Ghost, the player and bars are invisible, and your range is longer. I recommend you play this as if it was Wing Chun. Keep track of the middle by looking at the enemy counter at the top.
In Acceleration, the game will become faster as you play. There are no speed increase enemies, the game just gradually speeds up over time. The speed increase is not counted on your Bonus Speed and thus is invisible.
Death Zone
In Death Zone, you must stay in-between two walls. Misses will not count and will recover faster, so if you’re ever too close to a wall, you can just head in the other direction.
Wing Chun
In Wing Chun, your range is 50% smaller. This is probably the hardest level type in the game because it also disables your skills.
Drunken Master
Your bars will be moving around (decreasing and increasing range). These levels are extra painful. Try focusing on enemies on the longer bar (though keep an eye on the other side just in case).
Saw Blade
Sawblades will rain from the sky. If you touch a saw blade, you’ll lose instantly. Missing does not count and recovers faster, so you can move out of the way if you need to.
Epic Round
Epic Rounds are levels that are extra challenging and long. They usually feature more and tougher enemies than the average level. Expect to see lots of bosses.
Epic Rounds can be identified by the exclamation marks floating around the level gate. Although sometimes, they’re hidden in normal-looking levels.
That's everything we are sharing today for this One Finger Death Punch 2 guide. This guide was originally created and written by Colind8. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.