In this guide, I’ll share one of the greatest spots for quickly leveling up your character and earning loads of weapon XP. The location you want to focus on is known as the “lifering,” and within this guide, I aim to provide you with all the essential information you require.
- Place
- Drops
- How To Join Here
- XP Booster
- Screenshots
This special spot is situated in Edengrove, and I’ve included a screenshot for you.
Exact Location
For Edengrove’s lifering elite area, if you want to join, just type “+lifering” in the chat.
Weapon XP Booster
Let’s talk about the booster. It’s incredibly useful, especially when farming XP. I highly recommend using it right here in this location (make sure you have enough people to clear this place smoothly). The amount of XP you can gather here is truly impressive.
Regarding drops, there’s a bounty of items here, including healing potions, mana potions, regeneration potions, season trial keys, and legendary named items. If you’re here for the drops, focus on acquiring the “lifering spear” due to its perks (keenly jagged & vicious). It’s an epic named item, but if you happen to get it, you can craft it in a gypsum orb to create a fully best-in-slot spear (similar to the syncretic bow). I’ve heard that the lifering ring or amulet are also excellent choices.
That's everything we are sharing today for this New World guide. This guide was originally created and written by Kokpito. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.