This guide will show you how to get 100% achievement in Necronator: Dead Wrong. Note that this guide may contain spoilers of Necronator: Dead Wrong. Continue reading at your own risk.
General Achievements
Chubat’s Conquest -Start your first Game.
- Self-explanatory
A Good Start – Haunt a Village.
- Villages have a small icon to be identified and they’re most of the time between your castle and the enemy’s, Villages also increase your mana regen so you should always capture them if possible.
Gotta Haunt em All – Haunt 100 Villages.
- Self-explanatory
Gotta Go Fast – Win a Battle in under 180 seconds.
- Can be done on your first battle unless your enemy has the Milita Handbook, otherwise easily achievable after you’ve upgraded some cards.
Gotta Go Really Fast – Win a Battle in under 90 seconds.
- You’ll need a good starting hand to overpower the enemy under 90 seconds, you’re more likely to achieve this on the first battle after the second boss.
Never Full – Win a Battle without your Mana ever reaching 100%.
- Just spam cards before your Mana reaches 100%.
Go This Way! – Change the direction of a Signpost in Battle.
- Just click the Signpost on the map to get the achievement.
Squad Promotion – Upgrade a Squad Card.
- Just upgrade any Squad card when you encounter the Upgrade option, either by reaching a Campfire event on the map and selecting the upgrade or getting the random [Upgrade a Card] from the ? event
Utility Upgrade – Upgrade an Utility Card.
- Just upgrade any Utility card when you encounter the Upgrade option, either by reaching a Campfire event on the map and selecting the upgrade or getting the random [Upgrade a Card] from the ? event
Spell Enhancement – Upgrade a Spell Card.
- Just upgrade any Spell card when you encounter the Upgrade option, either by reaching a Campfire event on the map and selecting the upgrade or getting the random [Upgrade a Card] from the ? event
Mulligan – Redraw your hand.
- Simply press space or click the Redraw button on the left side of your screen, you’ll need 30 Mana to do so or 15 if you wait for its cooldown. Mirabella the Doll and Luavira Heartwing’s redraw cost 20 mana or nothing if you wait for its cooldown.
I Don’t Like These Cards – Use Redraw when you have 6 cards in your hand.
- Press space or click the Redraw button on the left side of your screen while having 6 or more cards in your hand. As Number 7 you’ll need a couple of Overdraw to reach 6 cards, Mirabella the Doll and Luavira Heartwing the Succubus have spells that draw additional cards just use them until you have 6 cards in your hand.
I Hate These Cards – Use Redraw when you have 8 cards in your hand.
- Press space or click the Redraw button on the left side of your screen while having 8 or more cards in your hand. As Number 7 you’ll need several Overdraw to reach 8 cards, Mirabella the Doll and Luavira Heartwing the Succubus have spells that draw additional cards just use them until you have 8 cards in your hand.
Lucky 7 – Have 7 Cards in hand.
- As Number 7 you’ll need several Overdraw to reach 7 cards, Mirabella the Doll and Luavira Heartwing the Succubus have spells that draw additional cards just use them until you have 7 cards in your hand.
Full Hand – Have 10 cards in hand.
- As Number 7 you’ll need several Overdraw to reach 10 cards, Mirabella the Doll and Luavira Heartwing the Succubus have spells that draw additional cards just use them until you have 10 cards in your hand.
Spam the Cards – Play 5 cards in 10 seconds.
- Just spam cheap cards under 10 seconds. Mirabella the Doll has a pair of cards that place 2 (or 3 if upgraded) 0 cost spells on your hand.
300 APM Play – Play 10 Cards in 10 seconds.
- Just spam cheap cards under 10 seconds. Mirabella the Doll has a pair of cards that place 2 (or 3 if upgraded) 0 cost spells on your hand.
Army of the Dead – Have 30 Units on the battlefield at the same time.
- Just spam enough squads to reach that number, you can also use healing and armor spells to increase their survivability.
Battalion of the Dead – Have 45 Units on the battlefield at the same time.
- Mirabella the Doll character has a spell that continuously summons skeletons from a grave every 2 seconds during 10 seconds, you can also use the healing spell to heal the grave and increase its 10 seconds duration.
Triple Perk – Use Triple Cast on a Perk Utility Card.
- Triple Perk is one of the possible upgrades for the rare card Double Cast. You might not always have the option to upgrade for Triple Perk and after using this upgraded card it is destroyed from your deck, so you need to have enough luck to get the Double Cast to upgrade it to Triple Cast and use it and then use a utility Perk related card, any utility card with Perk grants the achievement. AGAIN it needs to be a PERK UTILITY, not any Utility card. I have only encountered this card while playing as Number 7. Perk cards are unlocked after leveling your character.
Map Progress Achievements
Fall of Snowfall – Defeat Lord Balderdash and his Yeti.
- Defeat the first boss
Onto the Next Sector! – Finish 1st sector for the 1st time in campaign mode.
Sand Slayer – Defeat Sultana Al’Noobi in Genie Form. Defeat the second boss
Proceed To The Next Sector! – Finish 2nd sector for the 1st time in campaign mode
Hunted the Huntress – Defeat Flosshilde the Huntress and her mount. Defeat the third boss
This Isn’t The Ending – Finish 3rd sector for the 1st time in campaign mode.
Straight to the Castle – Win a Battle without Haunting any Village.
- Just use the Signposts to send squads on routes without Villages.
Let Them Come – Win a Battle after Enemy Reinforcements have arrived.
- There’s a timer on the top of your screen, simply wait for it to reach 0 before you defeat the enemy castle. The first wave of reinforcements isn’t that big of a deal.
Took em Long Enough – Allow a Battle to last 8 minutes.
- Wait for the timer to expire a second time, after the first wave of reinforcements come a second timer will appear. The 8th minute is when the second wave of reinforcements starts coming. BEWARE – The second wave starts summoning a lot of enemies nonstop, you’ll have a really hard time facing them so be prepared to lose the run for this achievement. With Luavira Heartwing’s Charm you can try and charm a big clump of enemies near the enemy castle to kill him but it isn’t 100% sure it’ll work.
Character Related Achievements
Death Knight – Win a Battle as Number 7.
Death Knight Elite Victory – Win an Elite Battle as Number 7.
- Elite Battles have a different symbol on the map, they cannot be skipped.
Fall of the Death Knight – Lose a Battle as Number 7.
Death Knight Promotion – Reach Level 2 as Number 7.
- After winning, losing, or surrendering you’ll receive XP according to the number of battles won, simply collect enough XP to level up. The XP is an account bound so you don’t need to collect enough XP to level up on a single run.
General of Death – Reach Level 10 as Number 7.
- After winning, losing, or surrendering you’ll receive XP according to the amount of battles won, simply collect enough XP to level up. The XP is an account bound so you don’t need to collect enough XP to level up to 10th level on a single run. You’ll need a minimum of two runs (if you’ve defeated the last boss) to reach level 10.
Unliving Spirit – Win a Battle as Mirabella the Doll.
- You’ll need to reach level 2 with Number 7 to unlock Mirabella the Doll.
Unliving Spirit Elite Victory – Win an Elite Battle as Mirabella the Doll.
- Elite Battles have a different symbol on the map, they cannot be skipped.
Fall of the Unliving Spirit – Lose a Battle as Mirabella the Doll.
Unliving Spirit Promotion – Reach Level 2 as Mirabella the Doll.
- After winning, losing, or surrendering you’ll receive XP according to the amount of battles won, simply collect enough XP to level up. The XP is an account bound so you don’t need to collect enough XP to level up on a single run.
Gothic Princess – Reach Level 10 as Mirabella the Doll.
- After winning, losing, or surrendering you’ll receive XP according to the amount of battles won, simply collect enough XP to level up. The XP is an account bound so you don’t need to collect enough XP to level up to 10th level on a single run. You’ll need a minimum of two runs (if you’ve defeated the last boss) to reach level 10.
Secret Achievements
Seducer of Darkness – Win a Battle as Luavira Heartwing.
- You’ll need to reach Level 2 with Mirabella the Doll to unlock Luavira Heartwing
Seducer of Darkness Elite Victory – Win an Elite Battle as Luavira Heartwing.
- Elite Battles have a different symbol on the map, they cannot be skipped.
Fall of the Seducer of Darkness – Lose a Battle as Luavira Heartwing.
Seducer of Darkness Promotion – Reach Level 2 as Luavira Heartwing.
- After winning, losing, or surrendering you’ll receive XP according to the amount of battles won, simply collect enough XP to level up. The XP is account bound so you don’t need to collect enough XP to level up on a single run.
Malevoment Enchantress – Reach Level 10 as Luavira Heartwing.
- After winning, losing, or surrendering you’ll receive XP according to the amount of battles won, simply collect enough XP to level up. The XP is account bound so you don’t need to collect enough XP to level up to 10th level on a single run. You’ll need a minimum of two runs (if you’ve defeated the last boss) to reach level 10.
Chubat Loves Mods – Load a User Created Mod.
- Just head to the steam workshop download any mod and when creating a new game select any mods and play.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Necronator: Dead Wrong guide. This guide was originally created and written by Abatedor de Otomes. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.