This guide helps you grasp the fundamentals of Lethal Company. You’ll discover everything about the game, including its lore, maps, monsters, and effective strategies to counter them.
First Look
In this game, a company hires you to gather items from different planets and sell them back to the company.
The Quota
Your goal is to meet the Quota, a set value you must achieve. The initial Quota is 130. Failing to reach the Quota results in a comical firing.
Time for Quota
You are given a three-day period to gather sufficient items and meet the Quota. Subsequent Quotas will gradually increase over time.
Here’s a list of planets you can explore to collect and sell items. ✈
- Experimentation
- Assurance
- Vow
- Offense
- March
- Rend
- Dine
- Titan
Let’s begin with the simplest moon and progress to the most challenging one.
- Experimentation stands out as the easiest because there are no monsters in the morning, and reaching the main entrance requires minimal walking.
- Similar to Assurance, it’s convenient as the fire exit is close to the ship, allowing a quick escape from nearby monsters.
- Upon arrival at 56-Vow, note the humid environment with abundant plant life. Be cautious of the fragile bridge at the entrance; it can only hold a few people at a time.
- Offense poses a bit more challenge as eyeless dogs start spawning after 3 pm. Stay quiet in the afternoon to avoid attracting them.
- March shares a difficulty level with Offense. Afternoon brings the appearance of giants in the forest, adding an extra layer of challenge.
- Rend presents a frozen, rocky moon with constant snowstorms, significantly reducing visibility.
- Dine ranks among the toughest planets. Despite its description, mysterious creatures inhabit it, and the environment offers poor visibility. The fire exit hides to the right of the ship, obscured by a snowstorm; follow the illuminated path to reach the main entrance.
- Titan is a high-risk, high-reward moon. Collect and secure as much scrap as possible before Indoors and Nighttime creatures flood the map.
Let’s delve into the basics of the various creatures you may encounter.
Spore Lizard
- The Spore Lizard, a playful four-legged creature, features a large round mouth and a purple orb at its tail’s end. While not highly threatening, it may lightly bite if cornered in a confined space. The creature releases a cloud of pink spores as a scare tactic, causing temporary vision impairment without causing harm.
Hoarding Bug
- The Hoarding Bug’s sole objective is to snatch items from your hand or nearby. While generally neutral, they may turn aggressive if you attempt to intervene when they’re taking items.
Snare Fleas
- These tricky insects hide in indoor ceilings, waiting to ambush unsuspecting players. They are hard to spot without a flashlight. Once triggered, a Snare Flea falls, wrapping around your head and causing temporary suffocation. A friend can save you by using a shovel to kill the Flea.
Eyeless dog
- To counter Eyeless Dogs, keep quiet, avoid opening your mic, and maintain a safe distance. Even in silence, getting too close can be fatal.
Bee hive
- Bee Hives are valuable items for selling to the company. Found in forests on Vow and March, and deserts on Experimentation, Offense, and Assurance. Engage them by taking the hive, entering the ship, closing the door, and leaving the planet. Remember to do this before the door automatically opens to prevent them from entering and causing harm.
- Escaping Giants requires strategic maneuvering. Running in a straight line is nearly impossible, so navigate through trees or narrow spaces where they can’t catch you.
- Bracken, a stalking creature, silently observes and approaches when unnoticed. It kills and drags your body away, leaving only items and blood behind. To fight it, briefly lock eyes for a second; staring too long prompts an attack.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Lethal Company guide. This guide was originally created and written by Valim. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.