Lists the functions, events, variables etc. you can utilize when coding mods for Ficterra in Miniscript.
Event Functions
bind(event, func) – Binds a function (func) to be called when an event triggers. The Event should be from the list below (Event.x), the function should be a function you have created. Use @myFunction to reference a function.
Event List
Event.OnBiomeEntered – Triggers when your player enters a biome
id – the id of the Biome
name – the name of the biome
Event.OnItemEquipped – Triggers when your player equips an Item
id – the id of the Item
name – the name of the Item
Event.OnItemUnEquipped – Triggers when your player unequips an Item
id – the id of the Item
name – the name of the Item
Event.OnKilledMonster – Triggers when you players kills a monster
id – the id of the Monster (item id of the monster)
name – the name of the Monster
totalKilled – number of monsters with the same id this player has killed
Event.OnGainedItem – Triggers when your player gains an Item
id – the id of the Item
name – the name of the Item
totalAmount – the amount of the item your player now has
Event.OnRemovedItem – Triggers when your player loses an Item
id – the id of the Item
name – the name of the Item
totalAmount – the amount of the item your player now has
Event.OnFinishedCrafting – Triggers when your player finishes crafting
id – the id of the Crafting Plan
name – the name of the Crafting Plan
Event.OnFinishedResearch – Triggers when your player finished research
id – the id of the Research
name – the name of the Research
Event.OnCompletedQuest – Triggers when your player completes a Quest
id – the id of the Quest
Event.OnPlayerMoved – Trigger when your player has moved
playerId – net id of the player
Item Events
Item Event Functions
bindToItem(itemEvent, func, itemId) – Binds a function (func) to be called when an item event triggers for a specific type of item. The Item Event should be from the list below (ItemEvent.x), the function should be a function you have created, and the itemId is the id of the item this applies to. Use @myFunction to reference a function.
bindItemUpdate(func, itemId, setupFunc) – Binds a function (func) to be called in an item’s update loop. The itemId is the id of the item this applies to, func is the function that is called when the item updates (every tick), and setupFunc is a function that runs once to setup values or whatever you might need for the loop. Use @myFunction to reference a function.
Item Event List
ItemEvent.OnTriggerEntered – Triggers when an object enters this objects trigger area (is it has one)
objectId – the unique instance id of the object
itemId – the item id of the object
playerEnteredId – id of the entering player (if entered by a player)
objectEnteredId – id of the entering object (if entered by an object)
ItemEvent.OnTriggerExited – Triggers when an object exits this objects trigger area (is it has one)
objectId – the unique instance id of the object
itemId – the item id of the object
playerEnteredId – id of the entering player (if exited by a player)
objectEnteredId – id of the entering object (if exited by an object)
ItemEvent.OnInteract – Triggers when a player interacts with an object
objectId – the unique instance id of the object
itemId – the item id of the object
playerId – net id of the interacting player
ItemEvent.OnPlaceableCreated – Triggers when an object is created in the world
objectId – the unique instance id of the object
itemId – the item id of the object
Item Data
ItemData.Strength – Strength of a Cube
ItemData.MoveSpeed – Speed bonus while on the Cube
ItemData.Metallic – Metallic look of the Cube (from 0 to 1)
ItemData.Smoothness – Smoothness look of a Cube (from 0 to 1)
Damage Type
This is a list of all Damage Type values
- DamageType.Sharp
- DamageType.Blunt
- DamageType.Piercing
- DamageType.Fire
- DamageType.Ice
- DamageType.Electric
- DamageType.Poison
- DamageType.Metal
- DamageType.Wood
- DamageType.Stone
- DamageType.Sonic
- DamageType.Water
- DamageType.Martial
- DamageType.Radiation
- DamageType.Acid
- DamageType.Jade
This is a list of all Stat types
- Stat.Health
- Stat.Stamina
- Stat.Speed
- Stat.Carry_Limit
- Stat.Armor
- Stat.Woodworking
- Stat.Masonry
- Stat.Blacksmithing
- Stat.Damage
- Stat.Attack_Speed
- Stat.Cooldown_Reduction
- Stat.Body_Type
- Stat.Elemental_Power
- Stat.Resting_Heal
- Stat.Crit_Chance
- Stat.Penetration
- Stat.Mastery
- Stat.Dodge
- Stat.Block
- Stat.Battle_Regen
- Stat.Life_Steal
- Stat.Mend_Wounds
Global Variables and Functions
- vector(x,y,z) – Creates a 3D Vector with x,y,z as coordinates (x is right, y is up, z is forward)
- color(r,g,b,a) – Creates an RGBA Color
- r – red value (0-1)
- g – green value (0-1)
- b – blue value (0-1)
- a – alpha value (0-1, 0 is entirely transparent, 1 is opaque)
- addVector(v1, v2) – Adds two vectors, v1 and v2 and returns the resulting vector
- saveWorldStorage() – Saves your custom data associated with the world or game
- loadWorldStorage() – Loads your custom data associated with the world or game
- savePlayerStorage() – Saves your custom data associated with players
- loadPlayerStorage() – Loads your custom data associated with players
- getItemId(itemName, [modIdentifier]) – Gets an item id from an item’s name and optional mod identifier
- getQuestId(questName, [modIdentifier]) – Gets an quest id from an quest’s name and optional
- mod identifier
- getResearchId(researchName, [modIdentifier]) – Gets an research id from an research’s name and optional mod identifier
- getCubeId(cubeName, [modIdentifier]) – Gets an cube id from an cube’s name and optional mod identifier
- hasQuest(questId) – Returns 1 if you have the quest, 0 otherwise
- deltaTime() – Returns the time elapsed since the last update
- getPlayer(playerId) – Gets an player object from its id
- getLocalPlayer() – Gets the player object for your playergetPlace
- able(placeableId) – Gets a placeable object from its unique id
- giveItem(itemId, [amount],[playerId]) – Gives an ‘amount’ of item of itemId to player with id playerId. Amount is default 1 and playerId is by default your player’s id
- takeItem(itemId, [amount],[playerId]) – Takes an ‘amount’ of item of itemId to player with id playerId. Amount is default 1 and playerId is by default your player’s id
- giveQuest(questId, [ignorePrereq]) – Gives a quest of ‘questId’ to your player. Pass in 1 to ignorePrereq if you want to skip checking the prerequisites for the quest
- playMusic(musicName) – Plays music with a given name
- playSfx(sfxName) – Plays a sound effect with a given name
- playSfxAtPoint(sfxName, position) – Plays a sound effect with a given name at a certain position. Position is a vector
- takeDamage(target, damage, damageTypeId) – Causes target to take damage equal to ‘damage’ of the type ‘damageTypeId’. Target can be either a playerId or an object Id.
- DamageTypeId is from DamageType.X
- heal(target, amount) – Causes target to heal equal to amount. Target can be either a playerId or an object Id.
- runCommand(command) – Runs a console command. This is any of the commands that can be typed into the console ingame
- moveTo(objectId,position,speed) – Moves an object to a position travelling at speed given
- rotateTo(objectId,rotation,speed) – Rotates an object to a rotation with a angular velocity of speed. The Rotation is in euler angles
- announce(text) – Shows text on the screen
- getPlayerCount() – Returns the number of players in the game
- createPlaceable(itemId,position) – Creates a new placeable object of the item with itemId at a position. Returns the unique instance id of the placeable object
- setItemData(key,value,itemId) – Sets a value of all items of itemId. The key is from the ItemData.X.
- getItemData(key,itemId) – Returns a value of all items of itemId. The key is from the ItemData.X.
Also, the Inventory Object has 1 method:
- hasItem(itemId, amount) – checks if the inventory has at least amount of an item given by itemId. Amount default is 1.
These function are called on a Player object, ie player.func()
- getPosition() – returns the position of the player
- getRotation() – returns the rotation of the player (in euler angles)
- getDirection() – returns the direction the player is facing
- getCurrentStat(stat) – gets the current value of a player’s stat. Stat is from Stat.X
- getMaxStat(stat) – gets the maximum value of a player’s stat. Stat is from Stat.X
- setCurrentStat(stat) – sets the current value of a player’s stat. Stat is from Stat.X
- setMaxStat(stat) – sets the maximum value of a player’s stat. Stat is from Stat.X
- inventory() – gets the player’s inventory object
- giveItem(itemId,amount) – gives the player ‘amount’ of an item with itemId
- takeItem(itemId,amount) – takes the player ‘amount’ of an item with itemId
- respawn() – causes the player to respawn
- unlock(researchName) – unlocks a research for this player
- giveResearch(researchName) – gives a research as an option for this player to research
These functions are for a Placeable object, ie placeable.function()
- getPosition() – returns the placeable’s position
- getRotation() – returns the placeable’s rotation (in euler angles)
- setPosition(position) – sets the placeable’s position
- setRotation(rotation) – sets the placeable’s rotation (in euler angles)
- getDirection() – returns the placeable’s facing direction
- inventory() – returns the placeable’s facing direction
- isAlive(id) – static function to check if a placeable with id still exists
- isBeingCarried() – return 1 if currently being carried, otherwise 0
- getData(key) – gets data saved on the placeable stored under key
- setData(key,value) – sets data saved on the placeable stored under key as value
- saveData() – saves stored data on this placeable to file (soon)
That's everything we are sharing today for this Ficterra guide. This guide was originally created and written by northernamusements. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.