I’ll cut straight to the chase – there’s not much in the way of help or guidance for this game from English speakers. In order to get 100% achievements in this game I had to put some work in (for once.) It was tedious, but I did it. I hope this guide helps you 100% it.
Getting Started
First things first… Get in losers, we’re doing this on Easy Mode. Enable easy mode, by clicking the circle next to where it says “Easy Mode”.
This will make sure that The Killer doesn’t spawn, leaving you free to bag every achievement without getting an ice pick in the back of your head (doctors recommend this.)
To make things a lot easier, make sure you’ve found EVERY map (1-9. One for each floor.) And make sure you don’t forget to pick up your maps BEFORE you go running off out of the room or the room you began in will vanish and you’ll have to start a new game. If this does happen, don’t scream, just hit “New Game”, check “Easy Mode” and hit “Start”. You’ll begin in the beginning room again and this time make sure you grab those maps. Saves a LOT of time.
Some Tips:
- Items will only GLOW when you have a match lit. This makes finding items quicker.
- Cases scattered around the place are randomly generated and they contain Steam Inventory Items. Some are Marketable. $$$
Story-Related Achievements
These following achievements you get whether you like it or not. No effort needed:
Where Am I?
- As soon as the game begins. Viola! Free achievement for you.
Another Way
- You need to try to open a locked door. If you’re having trouble with this, make sure you have no keys on you and then try a locked door.
- This technically ISN’T guaranteed, but it will eventually happen. Just find a box of matches that are empty.
- This technically ISN’T guaranteed, but it will eventually happen. Trip the power. Just switch on absolutely every light you see. This will pop.
- A “ThankYou” achievement just for being born. Play the game.
Floor #1 – Floor #9
- Easy. Every time you unlock a gate to a new floor, you’ll bag the next achievement in the series. 1-9. Simple.
- Complete the game with under 4 deaths. With my guide, you’ll die a whopping zero times, because Mr Stabby McTeary wont be around because you’ll have Easy Mode enabled.
Missable Achievements
The following are missable, but easy:
- Found Amulet.
Easy to find. They look like a crucifix and they glow red in colour. Pick one up.
First Box & 100 Matches
- Pick up as many matches as you can find, but do not use any of them. Save them up to 100. Easy. Use light switches instead. Go wild.
I’m Not on Purpose.
- Have a match break when you strike it. This one is missable if you don’t use matches. Keep on striking them and eventually one will snap on you.
- Don’t EVEN pick up ANY matches throughout the game. Use light switches only. Navigate using your map if disoriented.
First Try – I Will Not Give Up – Still Not Working – Well, Let’s Continue? – Nerves of Steel
- Smash that elevator button. Keep hitting F on any elevator switch. Do it up to 100 times.
Way Out?
- As you leave the starting room, before heading down the stairs to Floor #8, look to closed off section of stairs between the first locked stairwell door and 9th floor elevator.
Press F on the gate for this achievement. Easy enough.
A to Z & Best Prize Ever
- Throughout the game you’ll find letters marked in graffiti inside the apartments. Go up to them and press F. Once you’ve interacted with a letter, it will disappear and you wont need to find that letter again. Find letters A all the way through to letter Z. When you find letter O, you’ll bag two achievements in one go (“Best Prize Ever” achievement.)
Spring Cleaning
- On certain floors you will find garbage chutes, tucked away in the corner (might be a little hard to see). Left mouse click, hold, and drag the chute lid open.
Go get a trash bag and drop the trash bag inside the chute.
Maybe Next Time
- When starting a new game, choose “Give up”. I’ve highlighted the option on screen with red arrows, so that you can clearly see it.
- Finish the game in under 30 minutes. This isn’t hard. I beat it under 25 mins on my 2nd playthrough fairly comfortably. I believe my fastest is around 10 minutes. You can do it. Some tips: 1. Make SURE that Easy Mode is enabled. 2. Make SURE you have your handy dandy maps (yes, all NINE of them). 3. RUN. Hold Left Shift to sprint. 4. Keep your map open AS YOU RUN AROUND. The second you arrive on a new floor, ask yourself “Do I have a key on me?” if you do, go put it in the correct door, and grab the next key. If you don’t have a key, go to any circle on your map that doesn’t have a color code on it. Circles are keys. Circles with colors are locked doors. Be a badass speedy mc-I don’t know.. Just throw everything outta your way man, spit nails.
High Score
- Go find a scrunched up ball of paper.
Toss it into the toilet. Good lad.
Case Found
- Find a luggage case.
Simple. You’ll find a lot of them. Collect one.
Few Words
- Find a journal entry.
- Find a big pile of matches in a single box. Keep picking up match boxes. This one will unlock eventually.
- Die for the first time. Not even sure how I got this one, because I don’t recall ever dying.
(Not) The End.
- The Bad ending. Okay, so, for this alternate ending, you’ll need to find the Bolt Cutter item on one of the floors
And before you go through the front door to exit the apartment (the Good Ending)
Turn to your immediate right at the bottom of the stairs, and you will see a chained basement door.
Press F to use the Bolt Cutter on the basement door to open it.
And then jump down the hatch. There you have it, the Bad Ending.
First Bag
- Find an inventory bag.
You’ll find em, believe me. Small brown thing. Looks like a coin pouch.
It increases your inventory, by 1+ with each bag you collect.
Ready for School
- Find all bags. I believe you only need to find 4 or 5 them scattered around. Keep your eyes peeled.
- Finish the game without bags. Don’t collect any of the small brown inventory pouches when you see them and finish the game with one inventory slot. Not hard, just a little bit slower as you have to do a lot of item dropping. I would drop all of my items near the locked door on the staircase and once I descended to a floor below I’d move them all one-by-one downstairs.
It Is Fortunately
- Break a plate.
Ignore the description, as you actually need to break 10 plates, not just 1. Throwing them doesn’t seem to break them. You kinda have to swing them so that they touch a wall. Do this to 10 plates.
Hard-to-Obtain Achievements
- Find all Journal entries.
- Find all Maps.
I hear something
- You have to stand near one of the windows on one of the lower floors and wait until you see a cars headlights go by. Major pain in the posterior. This one drove me crazy, but eventually I got this one by standing at a particular window on the North Western most corner.
Here’s a screenshot of exactly where I was when I saw the car go past:
Be warned, that I stood there for maybe 30 minutes before the car drove by and for you it may be a different floor or window. Just keep trying. All you can do.
So, there is one achievement that I haven’t mentioned yet, and that is
The End.
See the (Not) The End achievement FIRST, before reading this.
After you open the basement door with the Bolt Cutter and then jump down, you’ll end up coming to in an elevator. Continue onward. You can’t get lost.
Eventually you’ll see a strange, orange-box-headed man wearing a suit.
He’s not wanting to speak to you right now, but follow him anyway.
Eventually you’ll come to a gigantic room. Go and greet your new friend over there.
Grab the hammer. It’s begging to grabbed with the F key. Go on, do it.
Vio-la! The End.
If I have missed anything, feel free to comment below. I hope I’ve helped you 100% this game.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Exit From guide. This guide was originally created and written by Zogged the Hog Wrangler. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.