In this guide i will show you the possible expedition fusion items results
Expedition Fusion Loot Table
Expeditions Fusion Items items & fusion results
These evomons are uniquely obtainable by using these items
you won’t be able to find on Mistery Evoeggs or through fusions without items
You have to fuse two Evomons and insert the fusion item in the Evolab to receive their egg
After that you’ll be able to create them using their registered dna in the revive option
Complete Evostatue Secret Evomon
You’re only able to use this fusion item to fuse evomon #8 and #7,
which are the evomons that you can get from the individual statues (golden and silver evostatues)
train or froze those two evomons and use this item in the combination
to receive an unregistered secret evomon
you will also receive a special steam achievment for doing this
That's everything we are sharing today for this EvoMon guide. This guide was originally created and written by Beowulf. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.