Simple and easy to follow walkthrough, very helpful for the complete noobs.
Else Heart.Break() really challenges you to explore its world and tinker with it without too much handholding, so if you need some advice this walkthrough will help you completing the main questline (and some of the side content too).
First night at Dorisburg
Once out of the ship walk along the coast until you reach a sign with the directions for Hotel Devotchka.
Enter the building and speak with the woman at the check-in, she will give you the key to your room (KeyRoom1). Take the cigarette and the map on the little table in front of the stairs and go through the Diner area to reach the stairs to the guest rooms.
Use your key to unlock the door and enter. You’ll notice a problem (it’s a bathroom!), go back to the woman, she will call a technician, Hank. When the room is fixed, go to sleep.
The next morning, take the floppy outside your room, then go to the Lobby to speak with the woman again. She will tell you someone was asking for you, your next objective is to go to the local Cafe. Ask for directions if you need, then go there.
Searching for your new boss
Search the salesman inside Café Ponty: ask for a cup of coffee and the owner will suggest you go search him at Bar Yvonne. Exit the shop and the Wellspring salesman should be found sitting at one of the tables outside.
If you miss him, search at Bar Yvonne in the evening, but you can also find him earlier around the plaza or in the hotel lobby.
If you want, you can ask him to lead you to the soda storage. There, he will teach you the basics of your new job. To enter the storage insert the unlock command, then use the password abc123.
Around 18:00, go at Bar Yvonne and speak with the girl on the dancefloor, Pixie. She will ask you about your job, but if you then ask about her’s you won’t get an answer. She will ask you to see her the next day at 18:00 to go together to a party. Go back to the hotel and go to sleep.
The next morning you will be stopped by Roby once you leave the hotel. He is the radio station owner and he needs to retrieve a red bag from his studio. The radio station is in the area in front of the ship you arrived with.
Enter the building and use the elevator to reach the offices, where a guy with a suit will ask who you are. Tell him you’re Roby and he won’t send you away. The office is down the hall, to the left of the elevator, take the RedCase and go back to Roby, he should be sitting on a bench outside hotel. You can also see inside the suitcase, you will find the floppy MinistryData10 with a code for the Ministry front door (5611). Roby will thank you with 100$.
The following night, meet Pixie at the bar and follow her lead to Club Dot. There, you’ll be offered grog by a construction worker guy, drink it and you will faint. You will wake up on Pixie’s bed. She’s leaving to go to work, if you ask again about it you’ll notice she is really secretive about it. You can search a bit around: a floppy named DigitalTrash16 contains an interesting clue that could be useful later. Go out of the apartment.
You can stalk Pixie (she’s headed to the Shoe Store) or, if you exit from Pixie’s apartment a bit later, you will encounter another bureaucrat messing with a fuse box. If you ask him about what he’s doing a scene will trigger: follow the girl until she enters a door inside the Shoe Store. Try to speak with the cashier about Pixie, but she won’t tell you anything useful. Give her the cigarette end enter the storage area when she goes out for a smoke.
Follow the corridor and enter a second room, there you will a man guarding the “storage”, Felix. Ask him about Pixie and he will call her. She is now mad at you, but she’s also impressed of your “social hacking” skills.
Felix will invite you to a party in the evening, go to the apartment buiding in front of Café Ponty, Felix’s house is marked by a giant arrow pointing at the door. Speak with Felix and his friends, Pixie and her boyfriend Ivan will arrive as soon as you will have spoken with everyone. She isn’t angry with you anymore and will talk you about what actually happens at the Shoe Store. Ask Felix guidance for becoming a member of the hacker group: you will need a modifier and some coding skills, enough to pass some tests.
Your first modifier
Hank, the hotel technician, is your probably you best bet for getting your own modifier. Talk about his modifier and he will tell you about one lying somewhere in the hotel. He will also tell you about Gunnar, his modifier was bought from him.
You can also find Hank and ask about all of this as soon as you get booted from the Shoe Store, prior to meeting with Felix at his house party.
Go to the hotel office and grab the key for Room 4, it’s on the floor. Go to that room and you will find the modiifer (Hotel_Modifier) close to the bed.
Chances are that you sold a can of Wellspring to him for 5$ while following the soda man’s advice of selling around shantytown. Gunnar’s house is close to the Radio Station, he will ask you 100$ for the RustyModder. Gunnar will also give you additional information about them, hinting at modifying them to hack more objects.
If you’ve explored a bit before knowing about the hacking group you have probably met the gardener already. His modifier comes free of charge, just follow him to his shack and you will obtain the FibsExtraModifier.
Hank will give you some lessons in coding, and he will also tell you to search for the gardener for more.
First hacks ideas
Now that you have grasped some concepts of coding you might try hacking something. Here is something that could be useful in this stage of the game, especially if you didn’t hack a modifier with another one.
Bruteforce Lockpick
A somewhat good first tool is a modded keyRoom1 (or any other key) to open any door.
#Toggle(1111)#original code
Lockpick()void Lockpick()
if Dictionary(store) == false
loop from 1 to 99999
if Unlock(@) == true
endbool Dictionary(var store)
loop store
if Toggle(@) == true
return true
return false
This adds the ability to quickly lock or unlock any door with its code inserted into the “store” array. If the door isn’t there, than the actual bruteforce attack will start. Note also that the @ symbol is the reference for the current value of the loop counter. When the door will open, add to the array the last number displayed minus 1.
Getting to the hotel basement
If you pick up the floppy in the corridor outside your room after waking up for the first time in the hotel, you can ask the woman at the check-in how to read it. She will talk about a computer in the basement, but at the start of the game both the office door and the basement one are closed. Now, the only hiccup is opening the basement door: you can use your new lockpick, but in this case there is a easier method: hack the little green screen computer close to the woman and you will see the name of the basement door under a comment. You can use the “door” command from this terminal to open any door if you have its name (or modify the script accordingly). If you want to get overpowered early, search for an extractor and check some of the terminals.
Becoming a member of the Lodge
Return to the Shoe Shop storage and ask Felix to call his boss, Yulian. Pixie will give you the first task: unlock the secret door that leads to the second test.
To pass this part, search through the computers on the wall. One of them (as in the picture) just needs a little touch:
change it to
Go to the second room and Pixie will give you another task: mod a coffee cup so that Pixie will gain charisma if she drinks from it, but if anyone else does it, the cup has to increase their smelliness. To succeed use the helper window: the function isUser() is all you need to give the correct answer.
Talk with Pixie again and give her the hacked cup of coffee. After passing the second test, follow her in the final room.
The final test is more of a trial and error test: write the right sequence of commands to “eat” all other fishes on the board. This is my solution:
Talk with Pixie again, than go to the previous room and take your personal key to the Lodge.
Stealing data from the factory
Pixie will now talk about your first job as a hacker: follow her to the mine entrance and enter the mine cart while she distracts the mine worker. Activate the computer inside the cart to move inside the facility.
Enter the first big room and go through the door labeled “exit”. Go through the door around the corner and you will arrive in a corridor with a big green screen computer. Hack it and delete every line except :
Enter and take the extractor close to the desk. You can hack it right now to enhance its capabilities a little Enhanced Extractor
Adds an automatic copy to the clipboard. This script will help you a lot going forward:
Now go out and enter the office, take on of the FactoryData floppies and return to the first room. Access the other door and you will be inside another big room. There’s an exit door, but it’s locked! Use the extractor to copy the door name and return to the green screen computer, then add another Unlock() function to open it:
Now you can exit the mine and return to Pixie and give her the floppy. She will invite you to another (optional) party at Petra’s house, located in front of the Shoe Store.
Night at the Casino
Return to the Lodge in the morning and speak with Frank, he will tell you how to enhance your modifier. Take the OldHackDev hidden over one of the computers put it down and hack it with your modifier, then use this code:
Unlocked Modifier
# depending on if you’re allowed to
# modify the target or not.bool Allow(string target, number level)
return true
We can also use one of the sinks of the lodge to make an infinite coffee cup:
Super Coffee
Sleepiness(-100)void Refill()
var sink = Connect (“Lodge_Room2_Poor_WaterTap_Poor_WaterTap_1”)
Pixie will give invite you to another mission at the Killian Casino to know more about Dr. Monad. Entering the casino with a modifier is forbidden, so you’ll need to leave it somewhere before entering.
Pixie will remain on the first floor, while you’ll have to investigate upstairs. The most notable people you will find are George Langdon and Monad. Be careful while speaking with Monad with direct questions about the ministry. Talking with her won’t give you much intel: return to Pixie and report everything you have discovered. When it’s time to go, you can follow Pixie at her home.
The morning after meet her at the Lodge and then report to Frank. Felix will interrupt you: a ministry guy is at the door! Luckily it’s a false alarm, if you choose to confront him he will mention a bad pair of shoes and asks for a refund.
The mayor’s dirty secret
Still at the Lodge, you can get a sidequest from Yulian about inquiring the private life of George Langson. You already met him at the casino bragging about his money, but you can also follow him around trying to find something to use against him. Enter the building where Felix’s house is, there is a door that leads to the mayor apartment directly.
Infinite Coffee Lockpick
To open the door without bruteforce you can copy the door name and modifying any drinkable item to connect to a computer capable of unlocking doors remotely:
string door = “OutsideFelixApartment_Door_2” #insert here
void Refill()
var sink = Connect (“Lodge_Room2_Poor_WaterTap_Poor_WaterTap_1”)
void UnlockDoor(string door)
var computer = Connect(“Hotel_Lobby_ComputerCashier”)
Now, to open a door copy its name with the extractor and paste it in the coffee/drink/beer script, then drink it.
After breaking in reach the main apartment room, than check the giant screen and type the commands use, than 3. Return in the previous room and you will find George’s virtual wife. Return to Yulian for debriefing.
The Experiment
Petra will ask you to meet the others at Pixie’s house. Someone from the ministry asked Ivan to be a test subject for an experiment. Meet with Pixie and Petra at the ministry lobby and follow them. Once you enter the experiment chamber, take a sit and wait: Ivan will vanish in thin air and everyone will faint. Once recovered you will be at the Devotchka. Go to you room to sleep and you will witness the ghost of Ivan. At the Lodge, speak with Felix, Frank and then Araki.
Ivan is trapped in the internet, to save him return to your hotel room and fix the fuse box:
You can now enter the internet using the fuse box.
Saving Ivan
Move to Internet_Fusebox_1. You can already see an unreachable computer, the Heart, keep it in mind for later. Press q to exit and walk to the next computer, use it to move to Internet_Internet_MediumComputer_1. Exit again and walk toward the working computer (Internet_Internet_PoleComputer2), than hack it to remove the comment on the first line. Go to Internet_Internet_PoleComputer1, exit again and go through the next set of terminals to find Ivan.
You can try to remove the corruption from him modifying a drink and giving it to him, but it will be temporary, you must find a way to the Heart and destroy it. Check the code on the trashcan: you can throw a key (eg. KeyRoom1), use a computer to connect and slurp to it to reach the Monad apartment.
The computer inside the apartment will mention a door hidden in a bookshelf in the office. Take the Monad’s office key if you need (OfficeExtraKey) and use the door to exit the house. Head over to the Computer Ministry and enter on of the elevators.
The elevator will send you to the right floor only if recognizes you as Monad: modify its script accordingly, exit and then go back inside:
Say(“Good evening Dr Monad, one second please”)
if(GetFloor() == 3)
else if StringContains(name, “Typer”)
Say(“Hello and welcome to the Ministry.”)
if(GetFloor() == 0)
else if name == “Svante”
if(GetFloor() == 1)
else if name == “Bower”
Say(“Good evening Mr Bower, one second please”)
if(GetFloor() == 1)
Say(“You are not authorized.”)
endvoid OnHack(string name)
Say(“Illegal hacking identified.”)
Search the door hidden on the bookshelf and you will find the Heart. Examine the computer close to it:
var Heart = Connect(“Heart”)
if GetUser() == “Monad”
Print(“Energy level: ” + Heart.EnergyLevel())
Uncomment the last line and complete it with Break(), than compile it.
Now Ivan can be freed, you can also quickly reach him rewriting the script with:
Give him a drink with Corruption(-100) effect again, then follow him to return in the Dorisburg plaza.
Escape from Dorisburg
Go back to Pixie’s house, she will thank you for bringing Ivan back, but you are now wanted from the ministry authorities. Pixie and Petra will guide you to the harbor to escape the island by ship. Better stick to Pixie’s advice to follow her through the hacked fusebox, you will easily evade any ministry officer trying to kill you.
Good Job! You’ve now completed Else Heart.Beak() !!
That's everything we are sharing today for this Else Heart.Break() guide. This guide was originally created and written by Krannus. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.