How to complete the achievement “Only the Finest” in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
Getting Full Course Meal Recipes
Talk to people in the cities (West City, Satan City, etc.) by the vendors and watch out for speech bubbles about recipes. Speaking to those that are talking about recipes can occasionally get you a new recipe for a full-course meal.
5 Different Full Course Meals
You must go to Chi Chi at Goku’s House and have her create 5 DIFFERENT full course meals in order to get the achievement.
Getting Ingredients to Make Full Course Meals
In order to make full course meals you need to have the proper ingredients for that respective meal. Be sure to stock up on ingredients from food vendors in the cities. In addition to that, take advantage of creating your own food items from ingredients.
1.) Buy ingredients from food vendors
2.) Collect ingredients such as apples, meat, fish from venturing throughout the map. Each area has a food item specific to that area. Some areas even have golden fish or meat.
3.) Create food items from “make a dish” ladies next to the food vendor or outside of Capsule Corporation where Bulma has her food station
That's everything we are sharing today for this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot guide. This guide was originally created and written by Hildy. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.