This guide will be showing you how to get every achievement in Death in the Water 2.
Lionfish Slayer
You have proven yourself to be a master of Lionfish hunting! You have taken down 10 Lionfish in record time.
*Awarded for completing the tutorial (Unskippable)
Deaths Lair
Defeat the Kraken
*Final Boss (Level 15)
Locations of all objectives/Treasures marked.
= Treasure is not required for level completion. Although does help late game, but if you can’t find it don’t fret. After the Kraken Siren sounds, there will be a red marker in the top right hand corner, once this reaches zero the level will automatically be passed, regardless of objective. (You can accelerate this process by killing sharks and other sea life, and it should happen relatively quickly)
First Blood
Complete Dive 1
Depths of Terror
Complete Dive 2
The Phantom Flight
Complete Dive 3
Serpents Shadow
Complete Dive 4
Deaths Grip
Complete Dive 5
Diablos Reef
Complete Dive 6
Night Dive
Complete Dive 7
Complete Dive 8
Hunting Grounds
Complete Dive 9
Lost Ruins
Complete Dive 10
Siren’s Scream
Complete Dive 11
Blood Lust
Complete Dive 12
The Jaws of Death
Complete Dive 13
The Leviathan’s Legions
Complete Dive 14
That's everything we are sharing today for this Death in the Water 2 guide. This guide was originally created and written by Raxrr. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.