To set up a dedicated server for Day of Dragons, you have options for both Linux and Windows operating systems. These servers come bundled with Day of Dragons on Steam and can be accessed through Steam Tools in your Steam Library. If you’re downloading directly from the Steam client, find Steam Tools in the dropdown menu at the top left (ensure the “Tools” option is checked). Alternatively, you can also obtain the Day of Dragons Dedicated Server via SteamCMD using the app id 1088320.
After installation, locate the appropriate directory based on your Windows operating system:
/Dragons/Saved/Config/LinuxServer" for Linux or "/Dragons/Saved/Config/WindowsServer
Within this directory, locate and open the “Game.ini” file using a text editor.
Ensure the first line of the “Game.ini” file precisely matches the following header:
Underneath the header mentioned above in the “Game.ini” file, you can input the following configuration options.
Integer Configurations
This sets the server’s game type.
- 0: PvP (Players versus Players), allowing all forms of PvP.
- 1: PvE (Player versus Environment), disabling PvP entirely and Elemental Faction.
- 2: DvE (Faction PvP), allowing only Faction PvP.
- 3: CvC (Clan versus Clan), allowing only Faction and Clan PvP.
Sets the player cap on the server.
- Range: 1 to 200.
- Default: 100.
- Recommended no more than 100 for best performance. Higher values only for high-performance, dedicated, non-shared servers with fiber optic connections.
Determines how long corpses remain on the server before despawning.
- Range: 60 to 1500 seconds.
- Default: 300 seconds.
- Recommend keeping this low on active servers to free up resources.
Time between server autosaves.
- Range: 60 to 3600 seconds.
- Default: 300 seconds.
Limits the number of clans on the server.
- Range: 2 to 255.
- Default: 255.
- Set to 0 to disable clan creation. In CvC mode, max clans is always 255.
Limits clan membership size.
- PvP/CvC: Range 10 to 200.
- PvE/DvE: Range 10 to 1000.
- Default: 200 for PvP/CvC, 1000 for PvE/DvE.
- Requires iMaxClans not set to 0.
Sets the growth rate multiplier.
- Range: 0 to 3.
- Default: 1 (normal growth).
- Requires bDisableGrowth=False.
- 0: 0.5x slow growth.
- 1: 1.0x normal growth.
- 2: 1.5x quick growth.
- 3: 2.0x fast growth.
Caps player latency (ping) in milliseconds.
- Range: 120 to 800 milliseconds.
- Default: 0 (disabled).
- Values under 120 clamped to 120 except 0 which disables latency checks.
- Players exceeding allowed latency are auto-kicked.
- Low latency connections may be crucial for PvP servers.
Boolean Configurations
- Default: False.
- If True, server browser appends the RP tag, indicating players are expected to roleplay in character.
- Enables Roleplay features such as chat bubbles, custom dragon names, and titles (features not yet implemented).
- Default: False.
- True allows group members to damage each other when grouped on PvP servers.
- Default: False.
- True forces admin tags to always show to all players on the server. Recommended for easy admin identification.
- Default: False.
- Turning on always shows all player name tags regardless if grouped or clanned. By default, nametags only show up on grouped or clanned players.
- Default: False.
- Shows or hides clan tags in the chat box. Useful for forcing players to identify their clan when chatting. Disable to allow anonymous chatting.
- Default: False.
- If enabled, only players listed in sServerFriends can join the server. Others will be kicked automatically. Shows a lock icon on the server entry in the server menu.
- Default: False.
- If enabled, adult or elder dragons killing hatchlings will be flagged with red glowing eyes for 20 minutes. Safelog unavailable while flagged. Available only on PvP servers.
- Default: False.
- If True, all eggs spawn with “E” stats, removing random genetic advantage from freshly spawned players.
- Default: False.
- If True, players cannot nest for skins or “upstat” on the server.
- Default: False.
- If True, growth is disabled for the server, and all eggs spawn adult-sized dragons.
- Default: False.
- If True, only dragons of the same species can group together. Not effective on CvC servers.
- Default: False.
- If True, non-Admin players cannot use Global chat.
String Configurations
sMap=(features not yet implemented)
- Sets the server map.
- Default: Forgotten Forest in Survival Game Mode.
- Maps determine GameMode settings.
- Survival mode disables Loot, Inventory, Portal travel, and Boss AI encounters.
- Current playable maps are:
- SV_Forest
- test
sServerFriends=12345678901234567 sServerFriends=12345678901234568 sServerFriends=12345678901234569
- This is the server friends list.
- Requires bUseFriendsList=True.
- Steam IDs added here can join the server, others will be auto-kicked.
- Adds server admins.
- Add each admin’s 17-digit Steam64ID.
sServerBanned=12345678901234567 sServerBanned=12345678901234568 sServerBanned=12345678901234569
- This is the ban list.
- Steam IDs added here cannot join the server.
sServerMOTD="Enter your message here which will display to players on the character select screen and be sure to include the quotes"
- Message displayed to all players on the server character select screen.
- Encapsulate within quotes.
- Link to your discord server.
- Include the full URL with https:// and encapsulate with quotes.
- Password for server access.
- By default, server passwords are disabled, allowing admins to access the admin panel with /admin command.
- With a password, admins must use /admin password to access the admin panel.
For assistance or support, please join the official Day of Dragons Discord community here or email us at [email protected].
Configuration Example
Here’s an example that you can copy and paste into your Game.ini file.
[/game/_dev/runtime/classes/dragonsgi.dragonsgi_c] iServerType=0 iMaxPlayers=100 iCorpseDespawnTime=300 iAutoSaveSeconds=300 iMaxClans=255 iMaxClanMembers=1000 iGrowthRateMultiplier=1 iMaxLatencyMS=0 bRoleplay=False bEnableGroupDamage=False bAlwaysShowAdminTags=False bAlwaysShowPlayerTags=False bChatShowClanTags=True bUseFriendsList=False bFlagHatchlingKillers=False bForceNormalizedEggStats=False bDisableNesting=False bDisableGrowth=False bForceSameSpeciesGroups=False bDisableGlobalChat=False sMap=test sServerFriends=12345678901234567 sServerFriends=12345678901234568 sServerAdmins=12345678901234567 sServerAdmins=12345678901234568 sServerBanned=12345678901234567 sServerBanned=12345678901234568 sServerPassword=enteryourpasswordhere sServerMOTD="Enter your message here which will display to players on the character select screen and be sure to include the quotes" sServerDiscord=""
That's everything we are sharing today for this Day of Dragons guide. This guide was originally created and written by SuperRhino. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.