This guide will show you how to unlock and get all Contra Anniversary Collection achievements. The game features a total of 16 achievements on Steam.
Contra Hard Corps
This part is all about the achievements tied to Contra Hard Corps within this collection. It’s a bit different from other games because there are multiple endings. To snag all the achievements, you’ve got to finish the game with different endings. There are four endings determined by your choices at the end of the level, and then there’s a sneaky secret ending.
Victory Lap
Clear Route A in Contra: Hard Corps
Rescue the research center, suspend it, and fight later
Good Job!
Clear Route B in Contra: Hard Corps
Rescue the research center and fight until the end.
Better Luck Next Time
Clear Route C in Contra: Hard Corps
Chase Deadyey Joe and fight ’til the end.
A Step Away From Becoming God
Clear Route D in Contra: Hard Corps
Chase Deadyey Joe, suppender, and then fight later.
Monkey Business
Clear Route E in Contra: Hard Corps
To get the achievement, you must uncover a hidden spot. Start by finishing the initial level. Then, as you advance to the second level, the junkyard, proceed straightforwardly. Along the way, you’ll confront a boss made of junk. After vanquishing this adversary, you’ll descend into an underground bunker. Take out seven turrets, leading you to a crimson explosive door. Leap onto the wall above the door and ascend. There, you’ll encounter a peculiar entity known as a cylinderman. Accept their proposition, and you’ll be escorted to an undisclosed level. Overcome the challenges posed by the bosses therein, and the desired conclusion shall be yours.
Recommended Ending Unlock Sequence:
- Start by opting for “Rescue the research center” as your initial decision.
- Before accessing the secretive spot, ensure to save your progress.
- Acquire ending E.
- Reload the saved game.
- Opt for “Suspend and fight later”.
- Proceed to finish the ending without saving, though saving your progress is allowed if you encounter difficulties, necessitating replaying up to that juncture.
- Reload the saved game, choose “Fight to the end”, and complete the ending. Saving is possible and recommended here, as this segment tends to be rather challenging.
- Restart the game, this time electing to “Go after Deadeye Joe” as your first choice.
- Opt for “Fight to the end” as your second choice, a notably demanding level. Endeavor to complete it without saving to avoid replaying the game, thereby unlocking the ending.
- Revisit the second choice, select “Suspend and fight later”, and utilize saves to secure the ending.
Remember, the character selection doesn’t influence the outcome. Nevertheless, Browny armed with weapon C is deemed the most formidable choice.
Other achievements
See You Next Mission!
Complete Probotector
“Probotector” mirrors “Contra Hard Corps” entirely, with the sole discrepancy being the substitution of human character models with robots due to censorship. Consequently, “Probotector” also boasts 5 endings. To expedite the process and attain this achievement swiftly, follow the guide for ending E in “Contra Hard Corps”.
Is this 1987?
Complete Contra (NA)
Still Sharp After One Year
Complete Super C
First Flag on the Chopper
Complete Contra (JP)
Irresistible Force
Complete Contra (Arcade)
Your Efforts Will Not be Forgotten
Complete Contra III: The Alien Wars
The Quest for Freedom Continues!
Complete Super Contra
Best Island Vacation Ever
Complete Operation C
A Peaceful Time Will Come!
Complete Super Probotector: Alien Rebels
Run N’ Gun Specialist
Play each game
Play all the games mentioned above
True Contra Warrior
Complete all games
Complete all games mentioned above
That's everything we are sharing today for this Contra Anniversary Collection guide. This guide was originally created and written by (C)eBeP. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.