Documenting interesting patterns + how to recreate them. Just for cosmetic use to help people decorate their maps in more interesting ways, especially the houses.
This is just the start, I’ll add more if people are interested.
This guide is split up into groups of 4. Underneath each picture is written instructions on how to recreate each pattern, as well as pictured within the screenshot at the bottom.
Patterns are contained within either left roof, left wall, right roof, or right wall. Note that just because I show a pattern being on a roof or wall, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work well on the opposite (in some cases, it’ll work better). I just used those four so that I could fit as many patterns on a screen neatly as possible while not infringing on any of my already painted screens.
Textures I
Left Roof: diamond flower
- (Accent color) Fill
- (Main color) Add inverted polka-dot texture
- (Main color) Add diamond texture
Suggested to use colors with high contrast for best results.
Left wall: squares
- (Accent color) Fill
- (Main color) Add polka dot texture
- (Main color) Add diamond texture
Suggested to use colors with high contrast for best results.
Right Roof: polka dots
Disregard (just use the polka-dot texture)
Right Wall: stripe columns
- Fill
- Subtract stripes
- Subtract diamond
Suggested to use color with high contrast against white for best results.
Textures II
Left Roof: Stacked Dumbbells
- (Main color) Fill
- (Accent color) Add stripes
- Subtract diamonds
Suggested to use colors with high contrast (both to each other and to white) for best results. If you don’t want white, you can fill in the third color (somewhat painstakingly, suggested to use a fill bucket).
Left Wall: Diamond Stripes
- (Accent color) Fill
- Subtract stripes
- (Main color) Add diamonds
Suggested to use colors with high contrast (both to each other and to white) for best results. If you don’t want white, you can fill in the third color (somewhat painstakingly, suggested to use a fill bucket).
Right Roof: horizontal dots
- (Accent color) Fill
- (Main color) Add inverted polka dots
- (Main color) Add diamonds
- (Main color) Add stripes
Right Wall: Flannel
- (Accent color) Fill
- Subtract stripes
- (Main color) Add inverted polka dots.
My favorite multi-step color scheme. Note that this particular scheme only works with similar colors.
Textures III+
Wait, that’s it?
Well, sort of… if this guide gets enough interest I’ll continue to add more finds. Not sure how much this community reads guides so I didn’t want to waste mega-time writing Encyclopedia Chicory immediately.
Feel free to contribute your own discoveries as well and I’ll add them to the guide & credit you.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Chicory: A Colorful Tale guide. This guide was originally created and written by sweaty. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.