Here’s a straightforward, step-by-step guide to help you earn the “Some Men Want To Watch The World Burn” achievement. It’s an easy guide, and I created it because there aren’t other helpful resources online, or the existing information is outdated or confusing.
To unlock achievements related to recruitment in Barotrauma, you must have a good standing with a faction, ranging from Friendly to Revered. Aim for Revered reputation for success.
Next, make sure to visit a station affiliated with that faction. Then, it’s a bit about luck. Sometimes, an event triggers the quest or quests necessary for the achievement(s).
In our situation, focus on building a high reputation with the Separatists and visit their stations. Luckily, you don’t solely rely on events for this achievement. Outpost managers, the ones who assign tasks, will provide you with a detailed explanation of a job, often involving a jailbreak. This mission will then appear on the world map.
Now, all that’s left is to go to the designated station and…
Executing the actual jailbreak is quite straightforward.
Simply locate a jail cell, usually identified by a door with a remote button for locking. Approach Sootman, the target for this jailbreak, and let the rest of the event unfold.
During this event, Sootman will accompany you near the entrance of your submarine. He’ll then interrupt you and make a run for it, initiating a fire in the Outpost Manager’s room before leaving.
It’s crucial to note that if any mods or unforeseen events cause Sootman to get injured or incapacitated, make sure to heal him. Failing to do so results in mission failure, and you’ll have to attempt it again.
Don’t leave the station at this point!
After some time, Sootman will start following you once more. Guide him into your submarine. Once the job is marked as completed, you are free to depart.
Keep in mind that you won’t receive the achievement yet because you haven’t officially recruited Sootman. That part comes later. For now, continue your travels, visiting as many Separatist outposts as possible and staying alert for events.
Hiring Sootman
Once you’ve successfully rescued Sootman, you’ll eventually encounter him at a Separatist station. Be vigilant, as he will present you with an event to recruit him. Once you agree to it, the achievement will be unlocked.
Congratulations! You’ve achieved this somewhat unusual and rare accomplishment!
For those curious about Sootman’s attributes, he is an Engineer with bonus talents including Military Applications, Lone Wolf, Nuclear Option, Inspiring Presence, Extra Powder, Arms Race, and Pyromaniac. His initial stats are very high in all areas except helm, and Weapons and Mechanical Engineering are maxed out at 100.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Barotrauma guide. This guide was originally created and written by lolmanor. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.