This guide will show you where to find all easter eggs in Apocalypse Party.
In the part of the map with the dinosaur bones, around the center, there’s a chance to discover a weapon crate with a parachute on it. Give it a good attack until it breaks, and inside, you’ll find a flare gun. Breaking the box itself should get you the achievement, so do this once each time you play, especially in multiplayer. The flare gun takes a while to reload, but it’s worth grabbing as it drops armor crates giving you 5 armor and sometimes weapon crates. It’s a good idea to use one of your three extra gun slots for this or if your strategy involves no weapons (like relying on contact damage, summoning, etc.).
Beat the Old Boss
In the lower right corner of the map, a bit north of the teleport crystal, there’s a cemetery featuring a death statue and an unusual ritual star circle. Initially, I thought you needed to activate the statue to summon enemies, but it turns out you just need to stay around the circle and defeat enemies for some time to trigger the boss spawn. The boss, identified by an Asian (possibly Korean) name written in dark purple letters, holds the Easter egg. It seems like only one person can claim it in each run from what I know.
Super Star
The details on this one are a bit fuzzy, but it seems you acquire it somewhat randomly while using catapults. If you’ve obtained whatever grants the Easter egg, your character will have green particles emitting from it while using the catapults. Keep an eye out for those green particles to know when you’ve got it!
Death Stranding
I’m confused about how to unlock this too. My friend and I got it while strolling in the market, just casually walking backward and fighting zombies.
Blood Feast
Close to the altar in the treasure room within the castle, there’s a lengthy corridor with tables on both sides, leading to a throne with a corpse at the end. If you’re short on armor, you can consume the food on the tables – it’s around 10 pieces. After eating all the food, two shielded enemies will appear. To remove their shields, you must eliminate the corpse on the throne. Note that only one person can acquire it in a single run.
Next to the teleport crystal in the forge, there’s a massive hammer with a blue gem. If you use a fire attack on the hammer, it will rise and then slam down. I think it hurts enemies, but I’m not sure if you need to hit an enemy for the easter egg to trigger. I’ve observed that firewalk enemies might also trigger it. I’m uncertain about multiple people getting it, but I assume it’s possible since I’ve seen the hammer slam more than once.
At the bottom left of the map, there’s a wooden platform with three guillotines. The rightmost one can appear in three different ways:
- It might be absent, replaced by blood.
- It could have a dummy with a radio for a head that plays music.
- It might be a horse.
If you sever the horse’s head, it rewards you with the BoJack melee weapon and triggers the easter egg. Note that only one person can obtain it per run. There’s a catapult near the war camp that lands close to the platform. I’m uncertain if this is connected to the Beheaded Tailor.
Emperor’s New Gun
I’ve encountered this only in the forge, but someone mentioned finding it in the throne room. It’s a see-through gun with no name on the floor. When you step over it, the name becomes visible, and you can pick it up to receive the Easter Egg. I’ve consistently found it on the forge’s edges, near the lava, appearing on both the top and bottom sides. To my knowledge, only one person can grab it in a single run.
Music Dream
My personal favorite, and I make sure to search for it every run just because I enjoy it. In the castle with the treasure room and the banquet, you can discover a gramophone on the floor. The prominent part where the sound comes out is usually noticeable. When you interact with it, it plays a fantastic song and awards you the Easter Egg. Note that only one person can acquire it in a single run.
Sunset Party
This one is quite enjoyable. On the left side of the map, north of the BoJack platform and south of the treasure room, you’ll find some houses with sunflowers. The door of the rightmost house can be interacted with to obtain the Easter Egg. It seems like the door being interactive is random per run. The interesting part is that multiple people can acquire it in a single run.
Dawn Divine Sword
Most likely, everyone has come across Excalibur while wandering the map. To extract it from the rock, you need to pummel enemies until the rock breaks, granting you both the weapon and the Easter Egg. It seems the time it takes to get it varies widely based on luck. Keep in mind that only one person can obtain it in a single run.
Dinosaur Barbecue
Scattered around the map, you’ll find campfires with a piece of meat above them. Employ fire attacks on any of these, wait for the fire animation, and then interact with it when you’re lacking armor. This action will restore 5 armor and award you the Easter Egg.
To the right of the area with the Flare gun or upon exiting the Forge, there’s a cave with shiny crystals. Near the cave exits, you’ll discover a pickaxe labeled as a shovel in the game. Utilize the “shovel” to strike the 4 red crystals inside the cave and acquire the Easter Egg. If you’re not the host, you can still hit the crystals even if they’re not visible to you and obtain the Easter Egg. Just ask the host to guide you to the crystals. Remember, only one person can obtain it in a single run.
Angel Dance
Inside the church altar, you’ll find four tables with candles on them, positioned in the cardinal directions. One is at the top left corner after all the chairs, the second at the bottom left (hidden by the wall, revealed when you walk close), the third on the long table to the right, and the fourth in the small room past the northbound hallway. To trigger the Easter Egg, you must light the candles in a specific order (always the same order): left, top, bottom, right. Make sure to do it relatively quickly as the candles can go out. If done correctly, you’ll witness a capybara dancing above your head. Note that only one person can obtain it in a single run, as far as I know.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Apocalypse Party guide. This guide was originally created and written by ElectricAxel. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.