✅ Source verified via Steam Community
- Patch Title: Game Update #10 – Combat and Trolley Rework
- Patch Release Date: April 25, 2024
The developer of Winter Survival has released a new update for the game on April 25, 2024. Here are the new things that you should expect to see or change on this new update. This information was curated directly from the official announcement on Steam.
New & Improvements
The Combat System has been reworked to offer a smoother and more dynamic experience when fighting using a spear. We also tweaked a lot of the damage values to be in-line with all these changes (see Balance section).
- Block has been added to combat allowing you to block attacks and mitigate damage. Blocking drains stamina. By default, hold the Right Mouse Button to block.
- With the addition of Block, the Throw mechanic has been tweaked, too. Use the V key to change to throwing and charge the throw with the Left Mouse Button as before. If you don’t like V as the key to do so, please remap it to a key of your liking in the Options.
- We got rid of the disorienting animation when impaling.
- Impaling can now stun a target and the stunned state is now shown with a new Stunned marker on the animal. Dealing damage to the animal interrupts the stun.
- Wolves regained the ability to make the player bleed with a bite attack!
- 15% change to apply a bleed effect with bite attack and 10% with knockdown on Survivalist difficulty.
- 10% change to apply a bleed effect with bite attack and 5% with knockdown on Explorer difficulty.
Trolley has seen various improvements. Apart from various smaller fixes and tweaks, we reworked the Trolley Switches and Levers. You now need a lever in order to activate a rail switch. Your previous switch settings have been reset with this update. Don’t worry though, you’ll find the levers close to the corresponding switch. The switches also have new visuals and they now show the direction they have been switched to.
- Trolley Torch Holder Upgrade – we added an additional upgrade to the Trolley, now you’ll have a source of light to ride through tunnels and in the night without the need to drain batteries on your flashlight..
- Trolley Storage Chest – another upgrade for the Trolley allowing you to have a mobile storage with 600 storage capacity.
- Both upgrades are available in the Trolley Upgrade station in Endless mode upon reaching Adaptation level 25.
Compass and Compass Markers – now you can use compass markers to navigate around the environment. In Endless mode you can find the compass hidden in the environment, but in Story mode you’ll get it along with your other equipment in the backpack. Recipes for Compass Marker are available on Adaptation level 10 in Endless mode and immediately after finding the Compass in the Story.
Wooden and Stone Markers can be crafted, so no matter where you are, the necessary resources should be easily available. Interact with the crafted and placed Compass Markers to select icons and colors that will indicate this location on your compass and make your navigation easier. - Foxes – we added a new inhabitant to the Fox Glade which is the area in Endless that you can find behind a Trolley Gate. It may be hard to hunt it with a spear, but try to use the newly added Fox Snack to lure it into a trap. The Fox Snack is craftable on Adaptation level 9 in Endless mode.
- Added a schematic for a small Spear Holder and plugged it into the ending of False Dawn quest as well as first pickup of the item. Just in case you somehow manage to lose your basic spear holder.
- Added a schematic for a Stone Basket to the Adaptation System at Level 14 in Endless mode. As the name suggests, it allows you to store stones like the branch holders allow you to store branches.
- Empty alcohol bottles, wild flowers, broken boar tusks, leaky cans, old needles and rabbit feet made stackable.
- Improved the movement of the deer so it gets stuck less often in various world objects.
- Removed some Pete’s Meat/Marko’s Beans on Trolley Station near the Hot Springs in the Story Act I area and the ruined house next to the bridge in the Story Act I area.
- Changed Rabbit’s rear detection distance to 750 (from 400).
- Changed Boar’s rear detection distance to 700 (from 400).
- Changed Wolf’s rear detection distance to 900 (from 400).
- Changed Deer’s rear detection distance to 1000 (from 400).
- Added wolf damage multiplier (120%) to the Survivalist difficulty.
- Adjusted the base damage on the Wolf’s bite from 5 to 10.
- Tweaked damage values for spears to better fit the new changes to combat. Please keep in mind that melee and thrown attacks offer a damage range and the actual damage depends on how much you charged that attacks.
Sharpened Softwood Stick:
Melee attack: 6-12
Throw: 6-12
Impale: 18
Stone Tipped Spear:
Melee attack: 10-18
Throw: 10-18
Impale: 22
Bone Tipped Spear:
Melee attack: 14-26
Throw: 14-26
Impale: 30
- Removed white border visual bug that was visible on some small icons.
- Added collision for the top part of Trolley.
- Fixed a bug with the amount of spears in Spear Holder.
- Fixed a bug with spears hitting Hiding Bushes.
- Fixed an issue with wrong camera position in spear animation states when camera sway is disabled.
- Fixed the issue with input loss after getting hit by an animal while having inventory open.
- Fixed a bug with Trolley not aligning to the terrain on slopes.
- Fixed a bug with text not fitting in the booklet [Polish version only].
- Fixed a visual bug with recipes not aligning properly.
- Fixed Movable Box sound loop after release during movement.
- Fixed a bug with filtering the skill section.
- Fixed a bug causing the camera to clipp through the cave near the waterfall.
- Fixed a bug with the bush cut event triggering during wolf attack and not ending afterwards.
- Fixed a bug with Mike’s model appearing after loading a save game near the exit of the Wolf’s Cave.
- Fixed a bug with the disappearing Adaptation System widget.
- Fixed a bug with displaying incorrect amount of items in tooltips.
- Fixed a bug with RRI death not fitting into the screen in some languages.
- Fixed a non-depleted battery having the icon of a depleted battery.
- Fixed volume on Bear attack.
- Fixed Walkie-Talkie sound on begin play when loading “Backpack” save.
- Increased volume on some problematic Voice Overs.
- Implemented hit reactions for Rabbits.
- Added new meshes for deer and boar hides, both raw and dried versions.
- New grass coloring in various locations.
- Changed mesh for Broken Bridge near Gate.
- Added Mining Company flag to mark important locations in the environment.
- Now the cargo in the Cargo Drop event is dropped by an actual helicopter instead of just an invisible plane.
- Fixed a visual bug with aligning icons in the talent tree.
- Multiple adjustments and fixes to the visuals of various surfaces.
To learn more about this new update, check the official source mentioned above.