✅ Source verified via Steam Community
- Patch Title: Warfork 2.14 Game Update
- Patch Release Date: April 2, 2024.
The developer of Warfork has released a new update for the game on April 2, 2024. Here are the new things that you should expect to see or change on this new update. This information was curated directly from the official announcement on Steam.
Hey Forkers,
Today, we’re excited to announce an update featuring Steam Integration (primarily focused on moderation tools), along with fixes for Discord integration and various other improvements. You can find the changelog below. We’d like to extend a special thanks to “coolelectronics” for implementing Steamworks SDK, Mark “learn_more” Jansen for conducting code reviews for all Steamworks related code, Cyanic for advising us on various Steamworks obstacles, and Josh “Gelmo” Gelman for leading beta testing. Additionally, we wish to express our gratitude to Michael Pollind for his contributions to the renderer, and to Ashley ‘LadyHavoc’ Hale and Michael ‘mikejs’ Savage for their invaluable guidance and code reviews, as requested.
Steam Integration:
- Steam IDs are now visible when using the “status” command (rcon required) or typing “players”. [coolelectronics]
- Implemented Warfork Steam Community bans. [coolelectronics]
- Servers can now be restricted to Steam Authenticated users only, with sv_useSteamAuth “1” (enabled by default). [coolelectronics]
- Define permanent operators by SteamID with g_permanent_operators “[noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse]”. [coolelectronics]
- Restrict your server to only Whitelisted SteamIDs using sv_whitelist “[noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse]”. [coolelectronics]
- Added the following commands: mute <steamid64> <shadow 0/1> <minutes>, removemute <steamid64>, ban <steamid64> <minutes>, and removeban <steamid64>. [coolelectronics]
- In-game player names are now derived from Steam Persona names on first launch or if set to “Player” or any variant during game launch. [coolelectronics]
- Added ability to block players in-game by pressing escape, clicking “Players”, and selecting the player to block. Steam profiles can also be viewed this way. [coolelectronics]
- Detailed information about Warfork is now displayed in your Steam game status. [coolelectronics]
- Steam Friends can now join you in a server using the “Join Game” button. [coolelectronics]
- Steam profile pictures are now visible on the scoreboard. [coolelectronics]
- Added the command “steam_debug 1” to assist in troubleshooting Steam-related issues. [coolelectronics]
Discord Integration:
- Removed color codes from game server names displayed in Discord rich presence. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed issue where Discord game joins failed when Warfork was not running. [coolelectronics]
- Resolved Discord rich presence issue causing repeated console errors printed when using a 1-character server name. [coolelectronics]
- Resolved an issue where Discord rich presence incorrectly displayed ‘unknownmap’ for custom maps not listed in ‘valid_maps’. Now, custom maps properly show ‘unknownmap’ as the level shot without affecting the map name. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed Discord rich presence not loading levelshots for maps with uppercase characters. [coolelectronics]
- Added discord levelshots: infinirace, infinirace_covered, return, pressure, shredder, and raketliga_slide. [caine]
General Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue with level of detail (LOD) loading across different pk3 files, preventing bypassing of pure checks when items were in a _pure file. [Michael Pollind]
- Fixed the console and start game button not working when you click on it. [Gauley]
- Fixed the ammo count in the generated Clan Arena config. [Josh “Gelmo” Gelman]
- Updated Clan Arena map defaults: Removed wfca1 and wfca2. Added: return and pressure. [caine]
- Fixed demoget, which was broken in the previous update. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed a crash bug on macos where a non power of two texture would crash the game. [Michael Pollind]
- Implemented several rendering enhancements and fixes. [Michael Pollind]
- Updated Angelscript 2014 to 2024. [Melissa aka “codecat”]
- Updated third party gametypes to work with Angelscript 2024. [Josh “Gelmo” Gelman]
- Updated various console descriptions. [caine and Josh “Gelmo” Gelman]
- Removed scr_conspeed. There was no need to customize the console speed. It should just appear quickly as possible. [caine]
- Removed cg_pickup_flash, which produced a flash effect when you pickup an item or weapon. [caine]
- Removed g_disable_vote_vmute, g_disable_vote_vunmute, g_disable_opcall_vmute, and g_disable_opcall_vunmute, as the mute commands now mute vsays as well. [coolelectronics]
- Enhanced callvote UI for improved context and expanded dropdown menu visibility. [Rees “TheFatCheetah”]
- Removed cg_explosionsRing and cg_explosionsDust. These have both been disabled by default for years. [caine]
- Removed the variable cg_placebo, which was merely for humor. [caine]
- Removed Cartoon Hits aka Critical Hit Effects. Damage numbers have since replaced them. [caine]
- Player models now have 4 jump sounds. For the time being the 3-4 are just duplicates of 1-2, but this will eventually change. This is noted in the changelog incase you have a custom sound pack. [caine]
- Fixed various Continuous Integration issues. [Josh “Gelmo” Gelman]
- Added Warfork TV console command descriptions previously overlooked. [caine and Josh “Gelmo” Gelman]
- Added TV server option to disable heartbeat logging with tv_log_heartbeats. [Josh “Gelmo” Gelman]
- It is no longer possible to kick/kickban/mute an operator or TV client. [coolelectronics]
- Operator actions are now specified as such in server logs/console. [coolelectronics]
- Logs and console output of operator actions are now accompanied by the operator’s SteamID and/or IP address. [coolelectronics]
Lastly, we want to give thanks to all the Warfork, Warsow, Qfusion, and other code contributors who were on board with Steam Integration:
- Alex “Toukkapoukka” (Christian Holmberg) Seilder
- Andrea “koochi” Cervesato
- Andreas “gladiac” Schneider
- Andrei “adem4ik” Stepanov
- Andrey “Vkni” Bergman
- Ashley “LadyHavoc” Hale
- Ben “kurim” Litz
- Caine
- Calvin “Chobbes” Beck
- Christoph Scheid
- codecat
- coolelectronics
- Damien “pb” Deville
- Daniel “danlin” Lindenfelser
- Dexter “dexter” Haslem
- EXtremeExploit
- fathom
- Gabriel Schnoering
- Gerco “hettoo” van Heerdt
- German “jal” Garcia
- gir
- impulz
- Jannik “drahti” Kolodziej
- jite aka dimman
- Johannes “hangy” Athmer
- Jorgen “impii” “impakt” Indal
- Joseph Alex “kalhartt” Hartsell
- Josh “Gelmo” Gelman
- Jyaan “jyaan” Bresy
- koffie
- Lawrence “thelawenforcer” McCurrach
- Mallory “BoB le pointu” Mollo
- Marcelo “nkr” Paez Sequeira
- Mark “learn_more” Jansen
- Mark “Mark90” Moes
- Michael “mikejs” Savage
- Michael P. “virus” Jung
- Michael Pollind
- msc
- nightowl
- northowl
- obani
- Pandaptable
- paril
- Pekka “Medar” Lampila
- Philipp Thomas “aiwa” Unterbrunner
- Richard “R1CH” Stanway
- stopiccot
- stylemistake
- Susumu “guwashi” Ota
- Tarmo Alexander “Crizis” Sundström
- Tim Finney
- Timothee “TTimo” Besset
- Ultra-n00b
- Uz-Valentin “uz” Friedrich
- Victor “Vic” Luchits
- Vitaliy “Triang3l” Kuzmin
- Will “Will” Franklin
- William “Willis” Weilep
To learn more about this new update, check the official source mentioned above.