Simple, short, and to-the-point guide on how to find all the parts for the Devastator.
You’ll need a Blowtorch and a Mechanical Lotus along with the main Devastator parts to craft one. You’ll find a Blowtorch scattered about as a random drop in Construction locations. To get a Mechanical Lotus you need to get a Cyan Crystal, Polaris Rose, and Copper Coil. You’ll get Cyan Crystals from killing an Observer, Polaris Roses scattered across the map on hills, and Copper Coils in Medical locations.
Devestator Parts
Now, onto the real difficulty of crafting the Devastator: The parts. Took me a while to find out what’s true and what’s not, here’s what I’ve confirmed in-game.
The Devastator Receiver is found as a fairly rare drop from Intelligence zombies. On the third time of killing all the zombies at intelligence, I got one.
The Barrel’s dropped from Megas, the only two so far I’ve confirmed are the Evergreen Mega and the HAZE Mega. In my experience, it was a more-less common drop.
The Engine’s a rare drop from airdrops, which in themselves are quite rare. Lost count of how many airdrops it took me, about 10-ish I think.
Felt weird ending this guide so abruptly, so here’s a conclusion. If you find any info on any info I have wrong or something you would like me to add to the guide/correct, just leave a comment.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Unturned guide. This guide was originally created and written by Slenderboi_. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.