In Unnamed Space Idle, you unlock this base after reinforcing once and defeating sector 73. The goal of this guide is to showcase the best setups for this base. Don’t hesitate to try different configurations and share your thoughts!
Warning: Spoilers incoming! The amount of progress you can make in the game depends on the number of Reinforces you’ve completed.
- During Reinforce 1 (let’s call it R1), just focus on acquiring the research upgrade, then you can pretty much forget about this base until you advance to R2.
- All the slots become available quite late in Reinforce 3 (R3).
Base 5 Setup
Note: You have the flexibility to swap out parts with components from any of the configurations listed below to obtain various components.
At the outset, you’ll commence with this configuration to unlock the 2000 materials slots.
Now that those slots are accessible, you can initiate the acquisition of some components.
Another slot emerges adjacent to the part, facilitating the addition of a Drain Reducer.
This arrangement below is when you can commence utilizing boosters.
Boosters become even more advantageous at this stage, as now you can apply 2 boosters to the same slot, like this.
Parts are rearranged slightly to capitalize on the boosters.
This setup emphasizes solely on materials income.
While this one concentrates more on parts yield.
At this point, you can amplify the same slot with 3 boosters for materials.
And here’s a marginally different arrangement, emphasizing some parts income. You can replicate the bottom-right segment of the setup and position it in the top-left area of the base if you desire increased parts yield.
Now that all slots are unlocked, there are 2 more slots ripe for boosting with 3 boosters! You can utilize them for materials in this manner.
Regarding the acquisition of some parts income, you can adopt this configuration. As customary, you can replicate the bottom-right segment and insert it in the top-left segment of the base, if preferred.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Unnamed Space Idle guide. This guide was originally created and written by Nomisabeu. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.