Learn how both melee and ranged weapons calculate the damage you deal with an enemy.
Since there’s quite a large group of people who have not played Gothic 2 before the release of this mod and therefore do not know the intricacies of the damage system, or maybe they just never had the time to learn about it, I decided to help out my fellow Marvin’s with a bit of good old math.
The Math
Getting straight to the point, based on the game files it is as follows:
- STR = Strength
- DEX = Dexterity
- AV = Armor Value of the enemy (Protection)
- NH = Normal Hit
- CH = Critical Hit
- TD = Total Damage
- WD = Weapon Damage
- P = Percentage of weapon mastery (1-Handed and 2-Handed)
Melee weapons:
- NH: (WD + STR – AV – 1) / 10 = TD, TD >= 5
- CH: WD + STR – AV = TD, TD >= 5
Simply put, unless you crit, you only deal one-tenth of the damage. The critical strike chance is based on your weapon mastery, e.g. if you use a one-handed dexterity-based sword, your damage isn’t gonna increase even if you raise dex, only strength, and the weapon damage matter.
Ranged weapons:
- WD + DEX – AV = TD
With ranged weapons, there are no critical hits, but your weapon mastery instead influences the distance from which you can shoot accurately. Although it may look like the arrow or bolt hit the target, quite often the enemy takes no damage whatsoever unless they come super close to you, and this is exactly the reason why.
Damage Types
Another thing to note is the different damage types, blunt, edge, magical, etc. The only thing this affects is that the protection (armor) value may differ based on the damage type you are inflicting, for example, if you try to slash a golem with a sword, it will not be very effective as he has high edge damage protection (armor value).
That's everything we are sharing today for this The Chronicles Of Myrtana: Archolos guide. This guide was originally created and written by Myspulin. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.
Dobrze by było specjalnie objaśnić obrażenia kosturów magów. Gdzieś przeczytałem, że siła tam nie gra roli. Prawda to? (“że się nie skaluje”-cokolwiek to znaczy.
No i co ma znaczyć penetracja w takiej broni?
jak kostur ma 50 penetracji a przeciwnik DEF na magie ma 60 to wróg blokuje tylko 10 pkt moich obrażeń tak?