✅ Source verified via Steam Community
- Patch Title: Hotfix v0.2.4899.22229
- Patch Release Date: April 3, 2024
The developer of Stationeers has released a new update for the game on April 3, 2024. Here are the new things that you should expect to see or change on this new update. This information was curated directly from the official announcement on Steam.
This hotfix includes a range of fixes and changes. The most important being a fix for lungs spawning when a chick is born.
Changlog v0.2.4899.22229
- Fixed Clients on Dedicated Server were not receiving other clients AimIk position due to an early return for batchMode in Human.LateUpdate.
- Fixed normal map problem for chicken
- Fixed pipe igniter not being able to be activated via logic
- Fixed t-ray scanner sometimes showing burst pipe meshes everywhere once a single pipe had burst.
- Fixed advanced furnace kit blueprint showing as the basic furnace kit
- Fixed an issue where a client would delete a dual registered structure when joining a server. Multiple structures registered to the same position is very rare but can happen due to server lag or packet loss. This could cause a potential byte array reading error. Dual registered structures will now only get cleaned up when server loads the game.
- Fixed a bug where the cancel keybind wasn’t closing the fabricator scroll list popup
- Fixed NullReference Exception in DoAtmosphereMixJobs(). Potential fix for reported game crash.
- Added new slot type bitflag and added tools for copying the data from the old enum value to the new flag fields. This is a first iteration of changing from an enum to a bit flag for slot types so is not yet used.
- Tentative fix for console search button not working. Also potential fix for circuitboards getting into a bad state and appearing blank when inserted into a console.
- Fixed Issue where Airlock and Advanced Airlock buttons would be greyed out on clients when a cable was removed from the cableNetwork connected to the Airlock console.
- Fixed chick lungs appearing at origin – added missing lung slot to chick.
To learn more about this new update, check the official source mentioned above.