This is a guide for the mid-late game boss spoilers inside browse at your own risk.
This guide will detail everything you need to know to deal with the Titan boss that spawns when you use a beacon. I’m writing this guide because the in-game instructions only play while the boss is attacking and it is very easy to miss them. The Titan isn’t particularly threatening but it can be frustrating trying to puzzle out how to deal with it when the hint only plays once and can be drowned out by the sounds the boss makes.
Before you can fight the Titan you need to create a beacon and place it in your station as well as find a beacon disc. The beacon can be made on the engineering table and placed on the floor in any room. A beacon disc is found fairly frequently as loot from raiding a station.
Once you have those you can technically fight the boss already but there are several things you can do to help improve your chances of fighting the boss, especially if you want to do so without getting your station wrecked.
- Get a large spare tank for both energy and oxygen. You likely won’t need the oxygen tank but especially on your first fight you probably will need the extra resources.
- Place a few plasma shields on your base. Turrets can help as well but the shields help a lot to make sure a stray shot doesn’t damage your base.
- Upgrade your gun with a laser pointer. This helps a LOT with aiming properly. Other gun add-ons aren’t particularly helpful, except the missile launcher which can be useful if drone attacks while you fight the Titan.
- Upgrade your ammo count and salvage speed at the research station. Having them maxed isn’t necessary but both will help the fight go smoother.
- Make sure you have all your resources (Health, Energy, Oxygen, Food) full before starting the fight. Also, make sure to charge all of your gun’s ammo types.
Know Your Enemy
The Titan has three actions he takes depending on how far away you are. The goal will be to stay within close range but we will cover all three before we go into the strategy to beat it.
- At far range the Titan will stop all attacks and fly until it gets within medium range of you. This is where the fight starts but should not be an issue once the fight actually gets going.
- At medium range the Titan will charge a bullet to hit you, similar to how the drones attack, and then launch a missile after you. The missile is the issue as normal drift in space should dodge the bullet easily. If you are near your base the turrets will lock onto the missile and destroy it while it’s in range, otherwise you can shoot it yourself but it is a small target.
- At close range the Titan will charge a burst that will damage you if you are within arms reach. Also while the burst lingers the Titan is invulnerable.
The Game Plan
- Double-check to make sure you completed all your preparations before you activate the beacon.
- Activate the beacon then head outside your base the Titan will spawn a short distance away so try to find it quickly and use the thrusters to get within close range. You have a fair bit of leeway for what counts as close so aim for around 3-4 arm lengths.
- Make sure the Titan is doing the short-range explosion loop and then float around to the front and locate a red target circle hovering in front of a glowing orange drum.
- Shoot the drum in between when the Titan is glowing. You will know you hit it when extra sparks fly and there is a special sound. It should only take a couple of the normal shots for the Titan to go inactive.
- When it goes inactive it will close up its arms and head. Zoom in close and swap to salvage mode aiming for the bolts on the body of the Titan. There are two in the front and two in the back. If you are quick and have max salvage speed you can get the 2 front bolts at once but it’s not really worth the risk.
- Once you have salvaged a bolt push off from the Titan as it will release a burst of energy that harms you and throws you back if you are too close when it comes back online.
- As before shooting the drum in between cycles and dive in to destroy each of the bolts until you have all four salvaged. Don’t stress too much trying to destroy a bolt each time if you can’t locate the ones on the back immediately so long as you stay within close range it won’t shoot at you or otherwise be very dangerous.
- Once all the bolts are salvaged a panel from the back upper part will break off and expose the fusion battery. It sits right behind where the head pops out and glows orange with a red handle on the top. Shoot the drum to shut the Titan down and pull out the core while it’s vulnerable to finish the fight.
You will have to fight two more assuming you don’t lose the core before you have enough to fuel the ship, fortunately the Titan isn’t too bad once you know where everything is.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Star Shelter guide. This guide was originally created and written by Destrain. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.