Some folks on the chat asked me to turn the details I shared into a guide that lasts a long time. Sure thing! No problem.
In this guide, there will be a document in Google Sheets about Arts. It has details like DPS (damage per second) and animation information. Also, you’ll find a special calculator for Combo Link Arts on the same sheet. This tool shows about how much damage per second you can expect from combining any two arts. Lastly, I’ll give a quick overview of the Combo Link setups I suggest for each character.
What Does Combo Link Do?
As you play through Expel, you’ll reach a point where you unlock Combo Link. This feature lets fighters (those who don’t cast spells) use a second Special Art with each button press, doubling up on the attacks.
To get why Combo Linking Special Arts is cool, let’s talk about animations. An animation has three parts:
- Precast: Happens before the first hit, like a warm-up.
- Cast: The actual hits land during this part.
- Aftercast: Happens after the last hit, like a cool-down.
Each Special Art has its own timing for these parts. Some take a while to wind up (precast), some linger with the hits (cast), and some have a cooldown after the last hit (aftercast). For example, Claude’s Phase Gun takes its sweet time with the cooldown, and Chisato’s Missile Strike has a really long warm-up.
Now, when you Combo Link, you can skip parts of the first Special Art’s cooldown. It’s smart to use one with a long cooldown first, so you skip that part (as long as it hits hard). But even if you use any Special Art, Combo Linking makes things faster, leading to more damage.
Special Art Data Spreadsheet
I spent a bunch of time the past week going through every Special Art, breaking it down frame by frame. Here’s what I gathered for each one:
- Damage Comparison: I noted how much damage each Special Art does compared to a basic attack chain.
- Damage per Second (DPS): Calculated the DPS when the Special Art is used solo.
- Break Damage: Rated from Trivial to Extreme, indicating how much break damage it deals.
- Animation Length: Rounded the duration to the nearest 0.2 seconds.
- Precast and Aftercast Length: Described as Very Short to Extremely Long.
All this data is neatly arranged in a Google Sheets spreadsheet for everyone to check out. Plus, as a little extra, I added a Combo Link DPS Calculator as the first page. It gives a rough idea of the DPS when you combine any two Special Arts with Combo Link. Just follow the instructions on the calculator. You can find the full Google Spreadsheet here. Give it a double click to open and explore.
Combo Link
The next parts will show really good Combo Links for each fighter person in the game. It will explain a lot about why these links are so strong and work well.
Meteor Palm -> Rock Explosion
Meteor Palm followed by Rock Explosion is Claude’s most powerful and dependable attack combo. Meteor Palm deals the most damage among Claude’s Arts, but chaining it repeatedly has a problem. Each hit of Meteor Palm slightly pushes the target backward, causing the second Meteor Palm to miss some attacks due to the target moving out of range. In contrast, Rock Explosion has a broader range and hits all its attacks, making its damage surpass Meteor Palm in this combo. Additionally, enemies often approach Claude during Meteor Palm, and Rock Explosion’s 360-degree area-of-effect can interrupt their back attacks effectively.
It’s crucial to note that if you’re not controlling Claude, avoid using this Combo Link because the AI tends to spam the less effective ranged version of Meteor Palm.
When facing a single enemy, it’s more efficient to skip using Rock Explosion altogether for higher damage per second (DPS).
Phase Gun -> Phase Gun
The Phase Gun deals about half the damage per second (DPS) compared to the Meteor Palm. This makes it a better choice if you can hit two or more targets with it. However, it has a drawback – a long Aftercast. Combining two Phase Gun attacks in quick succession using Combo Link can help skip one Aftercast, significantly boosting its DPS. But be cautious because there’s a trick to it.
You must time your button presses correctly because it’s possible to interrupt the damage animation of the first Phase Gun, causing you to miss the third hit and reduce the overall damage output.
This Combo Link technique is especially handy for Claude as a ranged option. When facing tough bosses that are usually immune to hitstun (the flinch enemies experience when you hit them), the Phase Gun becomes a reliable and powerful choice. It allows you to deal damage efficiently while maintaining a safe distance.
Double Slash -> Meteor Palm
If you’re not in control of Claude, executing this Combo Link compels the AI to engage in melee combat with Double Slash. This strategic move positions the character for the shorter-range variation of Meteor Palm. It’s essential to note that this version of Meteor Palm is less potent compared to using the skill independently. Therefore, I recommend avoiding this Combo Link strategy when you are the one controlling Claude. Opting for Meteor Palm directly proves to be a more effective choice in that scenario.
Twin Thrust -> Twin Thrust
Twin Thrust does damage slowly but has a long pause afterward, which is good for connecting combos. The combo has the same damage as Ashton’s basic attack chain, but it hits multiple enemies at a medium distance. It’s a strong combo until Hurricane Slash becomes better later in the game.
Piercing Blades -> Piercing Blades
Piercing Blades deals high break damage and okay damage over time. However, its shots can only hit one enemy and don’t go through others. It works well against a single target, doing more health damage than Twin Thrust -> Twin Thrust. It’s useful throughout the entire game, especially for breaking enemy defenses.
Hurricane Slash -> Hurricane Slash
Hurricane Slash is a powerful move for Ashton with genuinely good damage per second. It has the second-highest DPS among all of Ashton’s Special Arts and covers a line area, hitting enemies in its path. It’s great for connecting combos due to its moderate pause after the attack.
Hurricane Slash -> Sword Dance
Sword Dance is Ashton’s highest DPS Special Art, working exceptionally well when combined with Hurricane Slash. This combo produces his highest damage output. Sword Dance also inflicts a decent amount of break damage, making it a strong choice for various situations.
Tracking Plasma -> Tracking Plasma
Tracking Plasma deals okay damage and always hits the target since it homes in. It also has a decent pause after the attack, making it good for connecting combos. However, it can only hit one target and lacks area-of-effect damage. Useful in the early game but gets overshadowed by higher-level Special Arts later on.
Refraction Beam -> Refraction Beam
Refraction Beam is Opera’s most damaging Special Art, especially when used up close. It acts like a shotgun, hitting the target with all bullets. This makes it great when controlled by the player but less effective when used by the AI at a distance. It becomes less powerful compared to Hyperlauncher and other advanced techniques.
Gravitational Sphere -> Gravitational Sphere
Gravitational Sphere pulls in enemies and deals high break damage in an area. It serves as a crowd control ability, grouping enemies for other attacks. It also inflicts significant health damage for a break-focused move. This Combo Link is potent overall, providing utility and damage in one package.
Healing Star -> Healing Star
A fully upgraded Healing Star heals the entire group for about half of their maximum health. Using it consecutively ensures your party is fully healed. It’s a reliable healing option for sustaining your team.
Gravitational Sphere -> Healing Star
The hitstun and pull effect from Gravitational Sphere create a safe window for the Healing Star to finish casting. This Combo Link not only provides healing to the group but also inflicts high break damage with Gravitational Sphere. It’s an effective combination for support and offense.
Gravitational Sphere -> Hyperlauncher
Hyperlauncher is Opera’s highest damage Special Art. Combining it with Gravitational Sphere creates a balance of break damage and health damage. The hitstun and pull effect of Gravitational Sphere set up enemies perfectly for Hyperlauncher, maximizing its effectiveness. It’s a strategic move to gather and annihilate enemies.
Electric Shockwave -> Hyperlauncher
Electric Shockwave has the second-highest DPS after Hyperlauncher and a similar area of effect. Its hitstun helps create a window for Hyperlauncher’s precast, resulting in massive overall damage. This Combo Link is a powerful combination for dealing significant damage to enemies.
Flick -> Slap
Flick to Slap is Welch’s main Combo Link until she learns Slappity Slap, which surpasses it. This combo does slightly more damage per second than her basic attack chain and also inflicts a moderate amount of break damage.
Slappity Slap -> Slappity Slap
Slappity Slap stands as the highest DPS Special Art in the game. With a moderate pause after the attack, it benefits strongly from Combo Linking to itself, resulting in raw and massive health damage. This move is a powerhouse for Welch.
Rapid Flick -> Rapid Flick
Rapid Flick delivers an exceptional amount of break damage, comparable to only a few other arts in the game. It can be seen as the break damage counterpart to Slappity Slap, but with a slightly longer animation time. Alongside its extreme break damage, it boasts the highest DPS among all Break-focused Special Arts.
Mithril Fist -> Mithril Fist
Requires Precis to learn. Mithril Fist is like a caster using their most potent area-of-effect spell but with a faster “cast” time. Uniquely, it frequently stuns an enemy for a full second. It not only deals great damage but also provides effective crowd control. Additionally, it inflicts moderate break damage, making it a versatile and powerful Special Art.
Poison Pellets -> Poison Pellets
Right from the beginning, Poison Pellets stands out as one of Bowman’s most damaging Special Arts with high DPS. It also inflicts some break damage. Its superior damage makes it the go-to choice for health damage until Bowman learns more advanced techniques later in the game.
Inferno Pellets -> Inferno Pellets
Inferno Pellets takes the spot as the second-highest DPS Special Art in the entire game, just slightly trailing behind Welch’s Slappity Slap. However, it compensates with a considerable area of effect (AoE) and a short overall animation time, making it arguably stronger. This makes it a natural progression from Poison Pellets, unless the enemy has fire resistance.
Phoenix Talons -> Phoenix Talons
Phoenix Talons functions as a projectile similar to Claude’s Air Slash. It deals moderate break damage, accumulating quickly, and has the advantage of being effective from a distance. This Special Art provides Bowman with a versatile option for breaking enemy defenses while maintaining a safe distance.
It’s important to highlight that Precis boasts the fastest basic attack combo in the game, around 15% quicker than most fighters. This makes her the most potent user of the Meteor Ring/Lightspeed Ring until she acquires her superweapon from a specific Raid Boss during the postgame.
Rocket Punch -> Rocket Punch
Rocket Punch stands as Precis’ highest DPS Special Art until you unlock any of the Combo Links below. It serves as a reliable damaging Combo Link, especially effective during the early game.
Forcefield -> Forcefield
Forcefield takes the lead as Precis’ highest DPS Special Art. Remarkably, it can be utilized from any position on a target across the entire field, resulting in a medium-sized explosion area of effect (AoE). This move delivers exceptional damage with ease of use and even inflicts a small amount of break damage.
Forcefield -> Robbie’s Superbeam
Robbie’s Superbeam has slightly lower DPS than Forcefield, but its AoE can often encompass 2-3 targets simultaneously, which Forcefield may not achieve. The hitstun from Forcefield provides valuable time for Robbie’s Superbeam’s extremely long Precast, ensuring more reliable execution.
Frankenrobbie -> Frankenrobbie
Frankenrobbie excels in health damage while still dealing a considerable amount of break damage. Despite being classified as Break-focused, it epitomizes a Balanced type Special Art. Its damage output is approximately two-thirds of Robbie’s Superbeam or Forcefield, making it a noteworthy option for Precis.
It’s important to note that Ernest possesses the slowest basic attack combo in the game, about 25% slower than most fighters. However, his basic attacks uniquely have a medium-range area of effect (AoE), providing a partial offset to the slower speed.
Spiral Lash -> Dimensional Whip
This combo offers excellent melee AoE damage from the early to mid-game. Spiral Lash pulls in nearby enemies and lifts them into the air, while Dimensional Whip impales them mid-air. With Spiral Lash having a medium Aftercast, it greatly benefits from Combo Linking into Dimensional Whip. It becomes outclassed by Thousand Tails later in the game.
Thousand Tails -> Thousand Tails
Thousand Tails stands out as one of the most potent break damage Special Arts in the game, with impressive health damage in a respectable AoE. It holds the position as Ernest’s highest DPS Special Art until he learns Bed of Roses, maintaining its status as his most powerful break damage Special Art.
Bed of Roses -> Bed of Roses
Bed of Roses is a highly damaging Special Art, second only to Sonic Whip for Ernest. It can be executed from any position on the field, allowing it to target enemies regardless of their location. Notably, it even switches targets mid-animation if the current target is defeated.
Sonic Whip -> Bed of Roses
Sonic Whip takes the crown as Ernest’s highest DPS Special Art, featuring a line AoE. With its medium Aftercast, it significantly benefits from Combo Linking. This Combo Link delivers remarkable DPS, even if Sonic Whip only connects with a single target.
It’s important to note that Dias possesses a slower basic attack combo than usual, around 13% slower than most fighters.
Air Slash -> Air Slash
Air Slash serves as Dias’ initial and most potent Special Art. In close range, it acts as a potent 360-degree area of effect (AoE). When used at a distance, Air Slash transforms into a piercing projectile that travels in a line toward the target, making it the highest DPS Special Art in Dias’ arsenal.
Pale Moonlight -> Pale Moonlight
Pale Moonlight delivers high break damage and features a unique aspect. If Dias is hit while executing Pale Moonlight (still taking damage), he instantly moves behind the target, gaining a back attack advantage. The break damage is seemingly enhanced when dealt as a back attack, elevating Pale Moonlight’s effectiveness almost to the level of Full Moon Slash.
Full Moon Slash -> Full Moon Slash
Arguably the most robust break damage Special Art in the entire game, Full Moon Slash exhibits a unique mechanic. It draws nearby enemies towards its strike and then unleashes an area of effect (AoE) attack, dealing extreme break damage. This move stands out for its exceptional break damage capability.
Burning Cards -> Burning Cards
Burning Cards excels in extreme break damage when all its projectiles hit the target. At point-blank range, it functions like a shotgun, delivering powerful damage to the enemy’s face. Its health damage is also noteworthy. However, when controlled by the AI, it may be problematic as it tends to be spammed at a distance.
100,000 Volts -> 100,000 Volts
100,000 Volts is the health damage counterpart to Burning Cards. It inflicts substantial damage at close range and has a decent area-of-effect (AoE) spread for effective splash damage. Similar to Burning Cards, when under AI control, it might pose issues as it tends to be overly used at a distance.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Star Ocean: The Second Story R guide. This guide was originally created and written by Doom_Cookies. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.